Paris monuments

TopicSciences and discovery
DeparturePARIS 12eme (75)

Discover all the monuments that make the Paris's fame. These typicals places and the incontrovertible monuments will give you many excellent memories for your trip in paris.

Chateau de Versailles

  • Chateau de VersaillesThe "Roi Soleil" Palace is one of the most visited monuments in France. After the visit of the royal apartments have a walk on the terrace.
    Back of the this majestic frontage, the "Green carpet" is turned to the Grand Canal, gigantic water piece in the cross shape, 1560 m length and more than 1000 m wide.

Accommodation nearby

sully-hotel paris-4eme

Sully Hôtel

  • Paris 4eme
  • 01 42 78 49 32
hotel-tolbiac paris-13eme

Hotel Tolbiac

  • Paris 13eme
  • 01 44 24 25 54
hotel-au-royal-cardinal paris-5eme

Hôtel au Royal Cardinal

  • Paris 5eme
  • 01 43 26 83 64
hotel-vendome-saint-germain paris-5eme

Hôtel Vendome Saint Germain

  • Paris 5eme
  • 01 43 26 80 98

Eiffel tower, les Invalides, Musée d'Orsay

  • Eiffel Tower
    Built in 1889 the Tour Eiffel tallest building in the world in 1889 originally built as a tempory structure to commemorate the centenary of the Revolution became an enduring symbol of the city of Paris.
  • Les Invalides
    In 1670 Louis XIV founded a hospital for his invalid soldiers on the plans by Bruant. The yard started in 1671 and was finished in 1676. This hospital could house up to 4000 patients.
  • Musée d'Orsay
    This former railway station is now dedicated to the late 19th and early 20th century art. This very prolific period is illustrated through paintings, sculptures, graphic and decorative arts as well as architecture, urbanization and films.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-beaumarchais paris-11eme

Hôtel Beaumarchais

  • Paris 11eme
  • 01 53 36 86 86
sully-hotel paris-4eme

Sully Hôtel

  • Paris 4eme
  • 01 42 78 49 32
republique-hotel paris-10eme

République Hôtel

  • Paris 10eme
  • 01 42 39 19 03
hotel-au-royal-cardinal paris-5eme

Hôtel au Royal Cardinal

  • Paris 5eme
  • 01 43 26 83 64

Monuments in Paris

  • Middle-Age Museum,  Hotel de Cluny
    Built on the ruins of roman public baths, this 16th century mansion is housing the famous 15th century tapestry "Lady with unicorn".
  • Notre-Dame
    Located on the Ile de la Cité, Paris Cathedral stands both as the center of Paris throughout centuries and the geographical center of France from which every distance is calculated.
  • Sainte Chapelle
    Still on the Ile de la Cité this wonderful chapel jewel of gothic style consecrated in 1248 exhibit some Christ relics bought for an orageous price by Philippe Auguste to the Byzantine Empire.
  • Tour St Jacques
    This magnificent bell tower is the only remain of a former church built in "Gothique flamboyant" style. It used to be a protected ha lt on the pilgrimage way to St Jacques de Compostelle at a time when travelling wasn't a safe experience.

Accommodation nearby

sully-hotel paris-4eme

Sully Hôtel

  • Paris 4eme
  • 01 42 78 49 32
hotel-tolbiac paris-13eme

Hotel Tolbiac

  • Paris 13eme
  • 01 44 24 25 54
hotel-au-royal-cardinal paris-5eme

Hôtel au Royal Cardinal

  • Paris 5eme
  • 01 43 26 83 64
hotel-vendome-saint-germain paris-5eme

Hôtel Vendome Saint Germain

  • Paris 5eme
  • 01 43 26 80 98

Louvre Museum and Palais Royal

  • Louvre Museum
    One of the former royal palaces built on the ruins of the old Philippe Auguste defensive wall converted into the largest museum in the world. Start with the visit of the Aile Richelieu covering a range of collections going from the Antiquity to the XIX th century.
  • Palais Royal
    The main courtyard, with access via a vaulted passage, displays a noble main facade and two wings, bordered by galleries.
    The space of this beautiful courtyard is now decorated with a set of 260 unequal columns, coloured in black and white stripes from Daniel Buren.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-beaumarchais paris-11eme

Hôtel Beaumarchais

  • Paris 11eme
  • 01 53 36 86 86
sully-hotel paris-4eme

Sully Hôtel

  • Paris 4eme
  • 01 42 78 49 32
republique-hotel paris-10eme

République Hôtel

  • Paris 10eme
  • 01 42 39 19 03
hotel-au-royal-cardinal paris-5eme

Hôtel au Royal Cardinal

  • Paris 5eme
  • 01 43 26 83 64

Le Marais district

  • Le Marais
    From the 12th century some religious fraternities started drying up this North area swamp of the Philippe Auguste wall allowing later the urbanization of Le Marais which remains today a typical medieval district.
    With your Paris map, you will enjoy this maze of narrow streets where traditionnal jewish shopkeepers are now in competition with gay bars, fine art galleries and luxury fashion shops.
    You will find plenty of historical mansions such as beautiful Hotel Salé, today Picasso Museum.
    Don't miss the Place des Vosges where Victor Hugo used to live Museum in his former appartment at n° 6.
  •  Museum Picasso
    Located in the Hotel Salé built in 1659 by a tax collector it has been described as a "New rich house" considering the luxury of its adornments. Picasso used to describe himself as "The greatest collector of Picasso's on earth". It explains why his heirs, having to pay such a fortune of inheritance taxes decided to trade with the French Government a selection of Picasso's collection to be displayed in this beautiful museum.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-beaumarchais paris-11eme

Hôtel Beaumarchais

  • Paris 11eme
  • 01 53 36 86 86
sully-hotel paris-4eme

Sully Hôtel

  • Paris 4eme
  • 01 42 78 49 32
republique-hotel paris-10eme

République Hôtel

  • Paris 10eme
  • 01 42 39 19 03
hotel-au-royal-cardinal paris-5eme

Hôtel au Royal Cardinal

  • Paris 5eme
  • 01 43 26 83 64

Père Lachaise Cemetery and Montmartre

  • Père Lachaise Cemetery
    Becoming a hospice for members of the Jesuit order in the 17th century, the original mansion turned into a meeting place for the gentry under the influence of the Père Lachaise, Louis XIV's confessor. It's only in 1804 that the Prefect of Paris opened this graveyard , growing up to now, as a city of the deads with its neatly drawn avenues, its shady streets, its social hierarchy easily recognizable to the adornment of the tombs and their surrounding. From First Empire's fashionable Egyptian style to Jim Morrison 's tomb covered by fans' graffitis this highlight in the kingdom of darkness offers a display of cults such as the ones of Victor Noir (ladies asking for fertility), Allan Kardec for Spiritists...

  • Montmartre
    From the stairs of the Basilique du Sacré Coeur you can enjoy the best sight of Paris at one glance. But the artists glance is also what made Montmartre famous. It is the birthplace of Modern Art in France and around. Great impressionnists painters such as Corot, Renoir and Degas were joined later by the Fauvists, Cubists then Futurists. Before 1914 one could come across Van Dongen, Juan Gris, De Vlaminck, Braque, Cézanne or Picasso who painted there "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" in 1907.
    The Place du Tertre and its many portrait painters perpetuate this "esprit bohème" in a much more commercial way, one must admit !

Accommodation nearby

hotel-beaumarchais paris-11eme

Hôtel Beaumarchais

  • Paris 11eme
  • 01 53 36 86 86
sully-hotel paris-4eme

Sully Hôtel

  • Paris 4eme
  • 01 42 78 49 32
republique-hotel paris-10eme

République Hôtel

  • Paris 10eme
  • 01 42 39 19 03
hotel-au-royal-cardinal paris-5eme

Hôtel au Royal Cardinal

  • Paris 5eme
  • 01 43 26 83 64

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