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- > Paris 7eme
- > Musée du quai branly
Musée du quai Branly
The Musée du quai Branly (also known as the museum of primitive arts or the museum of culture and civilization of Africa, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas) is situated on "le quai Branly" along the Seine in Paris VIIéme arrondissement, near the Eiffel Tower. The museum is the largest museum of "primitive Arts" in the world.
The creation of this museum is due to the willingness of the former French president, Jacques Chirac; a primitive arts enthusiast. The building, designed by French architect Jean Nouvel, is composed of five buildings of 5 floors. A "vegetal wall" of 800 m² covers the buildings main façade, facing the Seine. The Musee du quai Branly, opened in 2006, attracts almost one million visitors each year.
A permanent collection of 3500 objects are found in the main building. It is renewed regularly as the museum posseses a total collection of almost 300,000 objects. The Musée du quai Branly also houses a library and a garden divided into three division documentaries. Several exhibitions are held annually in conjunction with primitive Arts and non-western civilization (Africa, Oceania, Asia, Americas).
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Opening hours
Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday from 11:00 a.m to 7:00 p.m.
Thursday evenings, Friday and Saturday until 9:00 p.m.
Closed Mondays
Closed on May 1 and December 25.
Special opening Monday of the school holidays.
Opening hours of the garden:
-From 9:15 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday.
-From 9:15 a.m. to 9:15 p.m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Ticket "permanent collection":
The ticket "permanent collection" provides access to permanent collections, exhibitions "record", exhibition of Anthropology and multimedia gallery:
-Full-fare ticket: 8.50 €
-Discount-ticket: 6 €
-Ticket "exhibitions"
-Full-fare ticket: 7 €
-Discount-ticket: 5 €
-Combined ticket: permanent collections and temporary exhibitions
-Full-ticket price: 10 €
-Discount-ticket: 7 €
Pass the Musée du Quai Branly gives unlimited access to all areas of the museum, as apply queuing at busy times, and entitle you to discounts on theater performances.
-Quai Branly Pass: 35 € for one year
-Quai Branly Duo-Pass: 50 € for 2 persons possessing the same home
-Quai Branly Youth Pass: 15 € for one year
Tourism near

- 21 Museum
- 33 Monuments