Château de Vincennes

The Castle of Vincennes is an imposing fortress at the east of Paris, it is the largest royal castle that remains today in France, its 52 meter tower is also the highest. It was built in XIV century to XVII century, first Capetian mansion, he became a royal residence from XII to XVII century before being used in XVIII century as a state prison.

During the XIX and XX centuries, it is transformed into military establishment. The building was located near the capital so the king and function of government are protected in case of trouble. The site has suffered the consequences of the Second World War, particularly in terms of its classical pavilions. During the war, August 2 1944, three divisions of the Waffen SS in retirement Normandy front moved into the premises. During the liberation of Paris on the night of August 24 to 25, they destroyed three ammunition depots : the burning of the flag of the Queen lasted eight days and important documents and collections were destroyed.

Accommodation nearby

220 € From
homair-vacances-paris-est champigny-sur-marne

Homair Vacances Paris Est

  • Champigny-sur-marne
  • 08 20 20 12 07
85 € From
sully-hotel paris-4eme

Sully Hôtel

  • Paris 4eme
  • 01 42 78 49 32
110 € From
hotel-beaumarchais paris-11eme

Hôtel Beaumarchais

  • Paris 11eme
  • 01 53 36 86 86

Latest news onChâteau de Vincennes

Tourism near

vincennesVisit the city of Vincennes
  • 21 Museum
  • 31 Monuments


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from 25 January to 10 May

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