Palais de la découverte

The Palais de la Découverte is a museum but also a cultural scientific centre situated in the west wind of the Grand Palais, close to the Champs-Elysées. Visited by almost 600,000 visitors each year, this museum is one of the most visited in Paris and France.

Le Palais de la Découverte was created by Jean Perrin, former physics Nobel Prize winner. It was after the World Exhibition in Paris that the Palais de la Découverte was awarded more than 25,000m2 inside the Grand Palais’ west wing. Today, le Palais de la Découverte is associated with the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industry in a public institution called « Universcience ».

Throughout the year, the Museum organises temporary exhibitions, and also a wide variety of workshops where people of all ages can practice in science and maths, deepening their knowledge through scientific experiments and demonstrations. Le Palais de la Découverte is a place of scientific culture to be accessible for all ages and helps to improve lab research.

Accommodation nearby

74 € From
hotel-ouest-hotel paris-8eme

Hôtel Ouest Hôtel

  • Paris 8eme
  • 01 43 87 57 49
75 € From
hotel-baldi paris-15eme

Hôtel Baldi

  • Paris 15eme
  • 01 47 83 20 10
86 € From
hotel-de-l-avre paris-15eme

Hôtel de l'Avre

  • Paris 15eme
  • 01 45 75 31 03

Latest news onPalais de la découverte

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