Welcome to cachan

TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureCACHAN (94)

Cachan is a town located in the department of the Val-de-Marne and the Île-de-France area.

Discover Cachan


Things to see in Cachan:

  • Sainte-Germaine church
  • Saint-Jean l'Évangéliste church
  • The aqueduct of la Vanne
  • The castle of Provigny

Accommodation nearby

hotel-tolbiac paris-13eme

Hotel Tolbiac

  • Paris 13eme
  • 01 44 24 25 54
hotel-villa-modigliani-vacances-bleues paris-14eme

Hôtel Villa Modigliani - Vacances Bleues

  • Paris 14eme
  • 04 91 00 96 48
hotel-camelia paris-15eme

Hôtel Camelia

  • Paris 15eme
  • 01 47 83 76 35
hotel-french-theory paris-5eme

Hôtel French Theory

  • Paris 5eme
  • 01 43 54 58 10

Open spaces in Cachan

  • Benjamin Raspail park
  • The panoramic garden
  • Commandant Simmonin public garden
  • Libération square

Accommodation nearby

hotel-tolbiac paris-13eme

Hotel Tolbiac

  • Paris 13eme
  • 01 44 24 25 54
hotel-villa-modigliani-vacances-bleues paris-14eme

Hôtel Villa Modigliani - Vacances Bleues

  • Paris 14eme
  • 04 91 00 96 48
hotel-camelia paris-15eme

Hôtel Camelia

  • Paris 15eme
  • 01 47 83 76 35
hotel-french-theory paris-5eme

Hôtel French Theory

  • Paris 5eme
  • 01 43 54 58 10

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