
TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureVANVES (92)

Vanves is a commune located in the Hauts-de-Seine department in the region Ile-de-France.

Visit Vanves city


You will come there to discover the beautiful city for discovering: Gallo-Roman vestiges with the discovery of a vast peripheral gallery of 2nd or 3rd century of our era. Church Saint-Remy, registered in the inventory of the historic buildings. It is built in Gothic style blazing, and was devoted in 1449. It includes a nave finished by a chorus with 3 sides. Part of this nave was built at the 19th century, at that time were added painted frescos. The bell-tower, following the destruction of war 1870/1871, was raised in 1874. A restoration of the interior of the church is started in the middle of the year 2006.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-camelia paris-15eme

Hôtel Camelia

  • Paris 15eme
  • 01 47 83 76 35
hotel-de-l-avre paris-15eme

Hôtel de l'Avre

  • Paris 15eme
  • 01 45 75 31 03
hotel-baldi paris-15eme

Hôtel Baldi

  • Paris 15eme
  • 01 47 83 20 10
hotel-villa-modigliani-vacances-bleues paris-14eme

Hôtel Villa Modigliani - Vacances Bleues

  • Paris 14eme
  • 04 91 00 96 48

The castle of Vanves


The Castle of Vanves, is today the Michelet College, is located in the commune of Vanves, the Hauts-de-Seine (France). The castle was probably built about the middle of the 17th century for the abbot Charles Prevost which was the lord of Vanves from 1638 to 1661. In 1655, Claude Lebas de Montargis becomes owner of the castle and it makes build, by the architect Jules Hardouin-Mansart, a new castle. Completed in 1704, it is then sold like national good during the French revolution. In 1799, it is repurchased by the Louis college the Large one which transforms it into college. In 1859, the castle is increased and a chapel is built.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-camelia paris-15eme

Hôtel Camelia

  • Paris 15eme
  • 01 47 83 76 35
hotel-de-l-avre paris-15eme

Hôtel de l'Avre

  • Paris 15eme
  • 01 45 75 31 03
hotel-baldi paris-15eme

Hôtel Baldi

  • Paris 15eme
  • 01 47 83 20 10
hotel-villa-modigliani-vacances-bleues paris-14eme

Hôtel Villa Modigliani - Vacances Bleues

  • Paris 14eme
  • 04 91 00 96 48

Park Frédéric Pic

Lecture visit (remarkable trees, plantations, historical background) ensured by Vanvéenne, former lecturer specialized in the parks and gardens of Paris.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-camelia paris-15eme

Hôtel Camelia

  • Paris 15eme
  • 01 47 83 76 35
hotel-de-l-avre paris-15eme

Hôtel de l'Avre

  • Paris 15eme
  • 01 45 75 31 03
hotel-baldi paris-15eme

Hôtel Baldi

  • Paris 15eme
  • 01 47 83 20 10
hotel-villa-modigliani-vacances-bleues paris-14eme

Hôtel Villa Modigliani - Vacances Bleues

  • Paris 14eme
  • 04 91 00 96 48

Priory Sainte-Bathilde


Monastery of bénédictines built by the monk-architect Dom Paul Bellot (1876-1944), which, while taking as a starting point original manner of medieval art, knew to be located at cross tradition and modernity. You will meet several nuns and to take part in the office of vespers Sunday at 18:30

Accommodation nearby

hotel-camelia paris-15eme

Hôtel Camelia

  • Paris 15eme
  • 01 47 83 76 35
hotel-de-l-avre paris-15eme

Hôtel de l'Avre

  • Paris 15eme
  • 01 45 75 31 03
hotel-baldi paris-15eme

Hôtel Baldi

  • Paris 15eme
  • 01 47 83 20 10
hotel-villa-modigliani-vacances-bleues paris-14eme

Hôtel Villa Modigliani - Vacances Bleues

  • Paris 14eme
  • 04 91 00 96 48

Square Payret-Dortail


At the time of the 80 years of its construction, discovered of the " unit; dwellings at a cheap rate " realized by the architect Maurice Payret-Dortail (1874-1929), innovative whole at the time, the gardens shelter workshops of artists.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-camelia paris-15eme

Hôtel Camelia

  • Paris 15eme
  • 01 47 83 76 35
hotel-de-l-avre paris-15eme

Hôtel de l'Avre

  • Paris 15eme
  • 01 45 75 31 03
hotel-baldi paris-15eme

Hôtel Baldi

  • Paris 15eme
  • 01 47 83 20 10
hotel-villa-modigliani-vacances-bleues paris-14eme

Hôtel Villa Modigliani - Vacances Bleues

  • Paris 14eme
  • 04 91 00 96 48

Latest news on : Vanves

Tourism near

vanvesVisit the city of Vanves
  • 21 Museum
  • 32 Monuments


l-etang-colbert-gardenHauts-de-Seine Parks and Gardens
Sciences and discovery
saint-sulpice-seminaryThe Hauts-de-Seine
Sciences and discovery



Visit "au coeur des ...

from 25 January to 10 May

Visit "au coeur des ...

from 25 January to 10 May
Information within a radius of 30 km


camping car