Welcome to mériel

TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureMERIEL (95)

Mériel is a town located in the Val d'Oise department in the region of Ile-de-France.

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The Notre-Dame abbey of the Val


The Notre-Dame abbey of the Valley is a variation of Mériel located at the North-East of the commune. Part of the field approximately 120 hectares is on the commune of Villiers-Adam. The Notre-Dame abbey of the Valley is the oldest foundation cistercian of the area Ile de France. It is former more one century with the well-known abbeys of Royaumont and Maubuisson. What remains of the buildings of the monastic enclosure was classified Historic building in 1945 and 1947. As for the field, it is classified with the Inventory of the sites to be protected since 1950.

Accommodation nearby

camping-du-bois-joli henonville

Camping du Bois Joli

  • Henonville
  • 03 44 49 87 92
hotel-de-l-europe paris-17eme

Hôtel de l'Europe

  • Paris 17eme
  • 01 53 31 01 20
hotel-victor-hugo aubervilliers

Hôtel Victor Hugo

  • Aubervilliers
  • 01 48 11 94 02
hotel-ouest-hotel paris-8eme

Hôtel Ouest Hôtel

  • Paris 8eme
  • 01 43 87 57 49

The Marsh of Stors


Located on the commune of Mériel, the Marsh of Stors is in edge of the forest of the Isle-Adam. This site is in a small valley occupied by the Ru of the Moûtiers Old man bordered of a calcicole lawn on the calcareous slope and an neutro-alkaline peat bog in the small valley. These mediums are regarded as very sensitive in Ile de France. The altitude varies from 35 to 70 Mr. Classé in Z.N.I.E.F.F (Natural Zone of Ecological, Floristic and Faunistic interest) of type 1 for the richness of its fauna and its flora, the site represents a remarkable interest with the scale of the Ile de France. The Marsh of Stors was classified with the site of the valley of Chauvry (decree of October 7, 1994).

Accommodation nearby

hotel-victor-hugo aubervilliers

Hôtel Victor Hugo

  • Aubervilliers
  • 01 48 11 94 02
hotel-de-l-europe paris-17eme

Hôtel de l'Europe

  • Paris 17eme
  • 01 53 31 01 20
hotel-ouest-hotel paris-8eme

Hôtel Ouest Hôtel

  • Paris 8eme
  • 01 43 87 57 49
hotel-villa-fenelon paris-9eme

Hôtel Villa Fenelon

  • Paris 9eme
  • 01 48 78 32 18

The Saint-Eloi church


The Saint-Eloi church is built on the site of an old sanctuary that does not remain; a door in the bottom of the nave. The original building was probably set up in 13rd century, but was not until to 1713 that a vault annexes the church of Villiers-Adam. Four tombs of the Notre-Dame abbey of the Valley were transferred to spring 1792 pennies the flagstones from the chorus of which the burial of Charles Villiers de the Isle-Adam (death in 1535), bishop of Beauvais and commendataire of the abbey of the Valley. The tombstones were discovered in 1981. The church contains a pulpit to be preached out of wood of the 15th century (coming from the abbey of the Valley) and three stalls of the 16th century. One can see a Christ there on the cross of 1911 of Madeleine Poésy, sister of Jean Gabin.

Accommodation nearby

camping-du-bois-joli henonville

Camping du Bois Joli

  • Henonville
  • 03 44 49 87 92
hotel-de-l-europe paris-17eme

Hôtel de l'Europe

  • Paris 17eme
  • 01 53 31 01 20
hotel-victor-hugo aubervilliers

Hôtel Victor Hugo

  • Aubervilliers
  • 01 48 11 94 02
hotel-ouest-hotel paris-8eme

Hôtel Ouest Hôtel

  • Paris 8eme
  • 01 43 87 57 49

The paths for the hikings


The hiking counts each day new followers: need the physical exercise with the range of all and contact with the natural environment. Mériel, thanks to its geographical location and with its environment (main forest of the Three forests, Valley of the Oise, Parc regional of Vexin) is particularly favoured for the practice of this activity. Many ways furrow the communal territory. Formerly they were mainly used to connect between them the small farms. For a few years, they had been threatened of more or less voluntary disappearance by modern methods of culture or constructions of dwellings. As of its creation, the Tourist office of Mériel particularly directed its activity towards the recognition and the safeguard of the courses of hiking. Its members endeavoured to draw the attention of the elected local officials to this subject and they joined the CODERANDO 95 (Departmental committee of the Excursions). The step bore its fruits. Today the paths are classified, maintained, marked out.

Accommodation nearby

camping-du-bois-joli henonville

Camping du Bois Joli

  • Henonville
  • 03 44 49 87 92
hotel-de-l-europe paris-17eme

Hôtel de l'Europe

  • Paris 17eme
  • 01 53 31 01 20
hotel-victor-hugo aubervilliers

Hôtel Victor Hugo

  • Aubervilliers
  • 01 48 11 94 02
hotel-ouest-hotel paris-8eme

Hôtel Ouest Hôtel

  • Paris 8eme
  • 01 43 87 57 49

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