Musée Jean Cocteau Collection Severin Wunderman

Belgian-born American collector Severin Wunderman had the project of bringing a large part of his collection dedicated to Jean Cocteau and his artist friends to France. After several meetings with Jean-Claude Guibal, Deputy-Mayor of Menton, Severin Wunderman decided to donate part of his works. The City then undertook to build a museum. On 1 December 2003, the project for the creation of a “Jean Cocteau - Severin Wunderman Collection” museum was approved by the Municipal Council. 

This genuine artistic treasure which was given to the City obviously comprises works by Jean Cocteau, but also a collection on Sarah Bernhardt and theatre as well as modern art paintings (Modigliani, De Chirico, Miro, Fogita and others). The donation comprises over 1 525 works listed in the museum’s inventory: some 627 drawings, 424 photos, 178 manuscripts, 256 engravings, 70 posters, 59 illustrated books, and as may oil paintings on canvas, sculptures, jewellery, ceramic works, tapestries, stained glass windows, etc.

On 25 July 2005, Severin Wunderman was made Citizen of Honour of the City, nearly fifty years after Jean Cocteau. In accordance with the wish of the American collector, the future “Jean Cocteau - Severin Wunderman Collection” museum will be built at the foot of the old city, near the Bastion, in the hamlet of “Les Pêcheurs”.

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