Cathédrale de Coutances

The cathedral of Coutances is, with the abbey of the Mont Saint-Michel, the most famous monument of the Gothic art in Normandy.

The building was built in the early 13th century and based on many important parts of the 11th century Roman cathedral. You will discover all that and many other parts of the cathedral during the tour.

Accommodation nearby

52 € From
hotel-la-pocatiere coutances

Hôtel La Pocatière

  • Coutances
  • 02 33 45 13 77
115 € From
le-mascaret-maison-d-hotes-et-de-bien-etre blainville-sur-mer

Le Mascaret Maison d'Hôtes et de Bien-Être

  • Blainville-sur-mer
  • 02 33 45 86 09
290 € From
les-gites-de-la-mer hauteville-sur-mer

Les Gîtes de la Mer

  • Hauteville-sur-mer
  • 02 33 47 72 27

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