- > Museums France
- > Basse-Normandie
- > Manche
- > Hauteville-la-guichard
- > Musée tancrède
Musée Tancrède
The Tancred museum in Hauteville-la-Guichard presents the conquest of the southern Italy by the son of a Norman lord, Tancred of Hauteville.
The Norman founded in Sicily one of the most exceptional civilizations of the Middle-Ages and the museum honors their adventure through an exhibition and a medieval garden.
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Opening hours
Open June to September
June and September: wednesday to saturday 10am to 12.30am and 2pm to 5pm Sunday, 2pm to 5pm
July and August wednesday to saturday 10am to 12.30am and 2pm to 6pm. Sunday 2pm to 6pm
Free entrance
Adult: 4€
Children: 1.50€
Groups: 3€
Tourism near

- 4 Museum
- 24 Monuments
Maison des marais
Manoir du Grand Taute
Eglise Notre-Dame de Savigny
Château de Cerisy-la-Salle
Château d'Agneaux
Eglise Saint Nicolas
Cathédrale de Coutances
Eglise Saint Pierre
Musée Quesnel-Morinière
Jardin des Plantes de Coutances
Église d'Agneaux
Ermitage Saint-Gerbold
Château de Gratot
Mausolée Letenneur
Jardins d'Argences
Abbaye Sainte Trinité de Lessay
Eglise Notre-Dame d'Hambye
Château de Pirou
Église Saint-Évroult
Manoir de Coutainville
Château de Regnéville
Château d'Agon
Chapelle Notre-Dame-des-Flots
Abbaye de Cerisy-la-Forêt

Sciences and discovery

Sciences and discovery

Sciences and discovery

Sites and museums

Sites and museums

Sites and museums

Sciences and discovery
Information within a radius of 30 km