- > Monuments France
- > Basse-Normandie
- > Manche
- > Hambye
- > Eglise notre-dame d'hambye
Eglise Notre-Dame d'Hambye
The church Notre-Dame in Hambye was built in the 12th century between the Sienne and the Doquette rivers. The site was formerly a forest so the monks cleared it in order to build the abbey. They lived in the building until the 18th century. The monastery mixes Roman and Gothic style.
The abbey was dismantled during the French revolution then used as a quarry. It was listed as a French historical monument in the early 20th century. The church Notre-Dame in Hambye is surrounded by a nice forest, typical of the Norman valleys.
The private parts of the castle have been restored since 1956 and the estate has been fitted with tracks favourable for walking.
Accommodation nearby
Latest news onEglise Notre-Dame d'Hambye
Opening hours
From 1st April 2011:
-Wednesday to Monday: 10am to 6pm
From 1st July 2011:
-Everyday from 10am to 6pm
From 1st September:
-Wednesday to Monday, 10am to 5pm
Guided tour adult: 4.20€
Adult except guided tour (church hand exhibitions): 2.70€
Children (age 7 to 15): 1.75€
Students, job-seekers, disabled persons: 3.20€
Adult groups (minimum 10 people) reservation only: 3.20€
School groups: contact the establishment
Tourism near

- 7 Museum
- 27 Monuments
Musée Tancrède
Les fours à chaux du Rey
Le musée du Bocage normand
Maison de la brique
Le musée Christian Dior
Le Roc des Harmonies
Musée le Scriptorial
Eglise Notre-Dame d'Hambye
Mausolée Letenneur
Château de Cerisy-la-Salle
Eglise Notre-Dame de Savigny
Jardins d'Argences
Cathédrale de Coutances
Eglise Saint Pierre
Eglise Saint Nicolas
Musée Quesnel-Morinière
Jardin des Plantes de Coutances
Église Notre-Dame
Ermitage Saint-Gerbold
Château de Gratot
Château d'Agneaux
Église d'Agneaux
Château de Regnéville
Manoir du Grand Taute
Église Saint-Évroult
Château d'Agon
Manoir de Coutainville
Chapelle Notre-Dame-des-Flots
Maison des marais
Manoir Le Grand-Doyenné
Basilique Saint-Gervais
Église Notre-Dame-des-Champs
Église Saint-Saturnin
Donjon d'Avranches

Sciences and discovery

Sciences and discovery

Sciences and discovery

Sites and museums

Sites and museums


Sites and museums
Information within a radius of 30 km