Tourism - Bourgogne

Burgundy is a historical and administrative region located in the north of France which has four departments: Yonne, Côte d’Or, Nièvre and Saône-et-Loire. The main cities are Dijon, Nevers, Mâcon, Auxerre.

Burgundy has a varied and rich heritage as well as a welcoming countryside with medieval villages such as Sémur-en-Auxois and Flavigny, castles such as Cormatin, Tanlay and Pierreclos, prestigious abbeys such as Cluny and Fontenay, the canal of Burgundy, Morvan, wines like Chablis or Côte de Nuits, Epoisses Cheese, Dijon Mustard and many more other curiosities that gives the region a great potential for tourism.

Top tourist cities in Bourgogne


Tourism Macon

Normal 0 21 false false false FR X-NONE X-NONE   Crossed by the Saône river, ...

Must : L'Apothicairerie de l'hôtel-Dieu de Mâcon, Eglise Saint-Pierre de Mâcon


Tourism Nevers

In the center of France, on the way to Saint Jacques, Nevers is located in the department of Nievre and the region of Bourgogne, this Art and History’s city has a rich historical heritage. Also famous for its earthenware industry, 5 workshops propose you visits ...

Must : Musée archéologique de la porte du Croux, Musée municipal Frédéric-Blandin


Tourism Auxerre

Auxerre is located in the Yonne department.The city is a part of the "City of Art and History" network. Auxerre has managed to preserve along the years its cultural and historical heritage, and gives you the chance to discover it, just walking around the city ...

Must : Musée Leblanc-Duvernoy, Musée Saint-Germain


Tourism Dijon

Dijon is the main city of the Côte-d'Or department and the Bourgogne Region in eastern France. Dijon is probably most famous for its mustard but it is also one of the most beautiful cities of France who was lucky to escape bombing during the Second World War. ...

Must : Le Musée-Magnin, Musée d'art sacré de Dijon, Église Saint-Michel