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- > Hauteville-sur-mer
- > La pêcherie "la maillard"
La pêcherie "La Maillard"
You can see it at low tide on the beach at Hauteville-sur-Mer, 1500 m from the shore, draw his "shuffle", its long stretch "breakdowns" to catch fish that venture into its domain.
The Maillard owned for four generations the family Lepeu. There are only two fisheries wood type in Europe.Cela is over 4300 years and is fishing on the shore. Fishermen are transmitted from generation to generation, these traditional techniques. This fishing technique is one of the oldest. It was already used in the Neolithic.
You will learn how to catch fish, you will also hear many stories: fishing once the lantern with the horse as a companion, fisheries miraculous ...
Visits are also nocturnal. Fishing is at low tide and there are two tides a day, day and night ... and the fisherman must go to the fishery during the day and night.
Before or after visiting an exhibition awaits you at the tourist office. This exhibition presents the history of fisheries Cotentin and the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel from the Neolithic to the present day. 4300 years of history!
The exhibition is complemented copies of documents on the history of fisheries.
Accommodation nearby
Latest news onLa pêcherie "La Maillard"
Opening hours
Guided tours are organized throughout the year by the Office of Tourism. The tour lasts 3 hours. It is necessary to book in advance O2. because the number of participants is limited to 20 people.
Visits are programmable for groups on request.
Tourism near

- 5 Museum
- 21 Monuments
Les fours à chaux du Rey
Le musée Christian Dior
Le Roc des Harmonies
Musée Tancrède
Maison de la brique
Château de Regnéville
Château d'Agon
Église Saint-Évroult
Jardins d'Argences
Chapelle Notre-Dame-des-Flots
Manoir de Coutainville
Musée Quesnel-Morinière
Jardin des Plantes de Coutances
Eglise Saint Pierre
Cathédrale de Coutances
Ermitage Saint-Gerbold
Eglise Saint Nicolas
Château de Gratot
Mausolée Letenneur
Eglise Notre-Dame de Savigny
Château de Cerisy-la-Salle
Manoir du Grand Taute
Eglise Notre-Dame d'Hambye
Château de Pirou
Abbaye Sainte Trinité de Lessay
Maison des marais

Sciences and discovery

Sciences and discovery

Sciences and discovery

Sites and museums


Sites and museums

Sciences and discovery
Information within a radius of 30 km