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- > église notre-dame
Église Notre-Dame
After several revolts of Bordeaux, the last one was in 1675, Louis XIV decided to expand the fortress "Castle Trumpet" and to do it he shaved the convent in 1678 that the Dominicans had lived since the thirteenth century on the site of the Current Lanes Tourny. Dominicans receive in compensation the permission to build a new convent (1684-1707) of which remains as today one of the church's and two original cloisters. But a neighborhood dispute with Récollets forces obligated them to open their chapel to the east, unlike the usual orientation! The facade of the church, with a Baroque style, represents in particular the Virgin giving the rosary to St. Dominic. By handing the rosary to him the place acquired the name of Place strand.
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Opening hours
Open all weeks from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.
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