- > Monuments France
- > Aquitaine
- > Gironde
- > Prignac-et-marcamps
- > Grotte de pair-non-pair
Grotte de Pair-non-Pair
The Cave of Pair-non-Pair is near the estuary of Gironde, it is one of the oldest decorated caves in the world. This amazing testament to the artistic awakening of our civilization is also a popular venue for scientific research.
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Opening hours
Open every day except monday :
June 15 to september 15, tours at 10am, 11.15, 12.30, 13.30, 14.30, 15.30, 16.30 and 17.30
September 16 to june 14, tours at 10am, 11.15, 14.30, 16h
Closed :
1 january, 1 may and december 25
Full price : 7,5 €
Reduced price : 4,50 €
Adult groups : 5,50 € (from 20 persons)
School groups : 30 € (35 people maximum)
Free :
Under 18 (accompanied by an adult)
18-25 years (nationals of 27 countries of the European Union and non-European residents regularly on French territory)
Disabled person and their companion
Tourism near

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- 5 Monuments