- > Monuments France
- > Aquitaine
- > Pyrénées-Atlantiques
- > Montaner
- > Château de montaner
Château de Montaner
Classified as historical monuments, the castle Montaner dominates the Pyrenees and the plain of the Adour. Built in the fourteenth century, the building served to protect the borders of Béarn Bigorre face.
The visit offers an immersion in medieval times. This course immerses visitors in the lives of the great courts of Europe of the fourteenth century.
In summer, many events are offered.
Accommodation nearby
Latest news onChâteau de Montaner
Opening hours
- 1st April to 30th June / September 1st to October 31st: daily from 2 pm to 6 pm (except Tuesday)
t- July and August -> every day from 10 am to 12.30 pm and from 1.30 pm to 7 pm
Full: € 3.50
Reduced (job seeker, student - 18 years): € 2,00
Tourism near

- 7 Museum
- 11 Monuments
Musée Massey
Le musée de la Résistance
Musée de la Déportation et de la résistance
Le musée du Foie Gras
Musée du béret
Le Château Fort et son Musée Pyrénéens
Musée des Beaux-arts de Pau
Château de Montaner
Le château de Gardères
Abbaye bénédictine de Saint Sever de Rustan
La maison natale du Maréchal Foch
La Maison Paternelle Sainte-Bernadette
Eglise du Sacrée Coeur
Basilique Notre-Dame du Rosaire
Le Cachot
Château fort de Lourdes
La Tour de Garnavie
Château de Soum

Sciences and discovery

Sciences and discovery

Sciences and discovery


Sciences and discovery
Information within a radius of 30 km