Musée de l'histoire de Montpellier

This museum is nothing but the crypt of an early church disappeared. A church formerly known as the Church of St. Mary's until the 10th century. It was not until the 12th century a new building is erected this time named Church of "Notre-Dame-des-Tables". After which it will be destroyed and rebuilt to its last demolition in 1794.

This crypt was long closed to the public today houses a museum contains the history of Montpellier. This unusual museum allows us a real underground tour in the past from Montpellier. To do this, many modern techniques are implemented to dynamically discover the history of the City. Light traces to revive the lost church, video animations and sound, everything is done to make it as attractive history of the city that this extraordinary place.

Accommodation nearby

115 € From
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Mas de Fourmel

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  • 04 67 67 00 85
280 € From
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Le Mas des Oliviers

  • Saint-mathieu-de-treviers
  • 04 67 56 82 10

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