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- > Aigues-mortes
- > Tours et remparts d'aigues-mortes
Tours et remparts d'Aigues-Mortes
First port in the kingdom of France on the Mediterranean, the city of Aigues-Mortes was built in the XIII century by King Saint Louis. The tower of Constance is notably one of the most majestic towers of the architecture of the Middle Ages. This will be used has a prison to the Templars and the protestants cévenols in the XVIII century. The walled city is now characterized by its level of exceptional preservation.
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Opening hours
Open all year :
September to April, 10am to 5.30pm
May to August, 10am to 7pm
Closed :
1st January, 1st may, 1sr and 11th November, 25th December
Full price : 7 €
Reduced price : 4.50 €
Adult groups : 5,50 € (from 20 persons)
School groups: 30 € (35 people maximum)
Free :
Under 18 (accompanied by an adult)
18-25 (nationals of 27 countries of the European Union and non-European residents regularly on the French territory)
Disabled person and their companion
Audio tour :
Full price : + 4,50 €
Couple (2 devices) : + 6 €
Adult group, under 18 : + 2 €
Tourism near

- 3 Museum
- 6 Monuments