- > Monuments France
- > Basse-Normandie
- > Calvados
- > Caen
- > Château ducal
Château Ducal
The Ducal Castle was built around 1060 by William the Conqueror who wanted to house his residential palace. This building is one of the largest fortified enclosures in Europe. It was both royal residence, fortress and barracks.
Today, the Château de Caen is a real cultural hub as it houses two museums: the Musée de Normandie (archeology and traditions of the Normandy region) and the Museum of Fine Arts (painting collections of sixteenth and seventeenth centuries)
The Ducal Castle is a blend of culture and greenery on nearly five acres on a rocky outcrop overlooking the Orne. Many green spaces are present as the Garden of Simple, beautiful lawns inside and outside as well as a course for children .. Go around the fortress is possible thanks to the castle moat. This is also an ideal place for visitors wishing to observe the Pierre de Caen.
The various elements of the castle, as the walls, the remains of the great tower, the hall of the Exchequer and the Church of Saint George is a testament of the glorious past of the medieval era of Caen. Go north wall you can admire a magnificent panorama of the city and the castle itself.
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- 12 Museum
- 17 Monuments
Musée d'Initiation à la Nature
Musée de Normandie
Musée des Beaux-Arts
Mémorial de Caen
Musée de Vieux la Romaine
Le Mémorial de Pegagus
Musée du mur de l’Atlantique
Centre Juno Beach
Musée Michel PIEL
Musée du Débarquement
Musée de la Tapisserie de Bayeux
Musée mémorial de la bataille de Normandie
Abbaye aux Hommes
Abbaye aux Dames
Eglise Notre-Dame-de-Froide-Rue
Eglise Saint-Etienne-le-Vieux
Église du Vieux Saint-Sauveur
Eglise Saint-Michel de Vaucelles
Eglise Saint-Jean
Eglise Saint-Pierre
Eglise Saint-Nicolas
Eglise Notre-Dame de la Gloriette
Eglise Saint-Julien
Château Ducal
Château de Crépon
Église paroissiale Saint-Médard et Saint-Gildard
Manoir de Mathan
Cathédrale Notre-Dame
Clocher de l'église Saint-Patrice

Sciences and discovery

Sciences and discovery

Sites and museums

Sciences and discovery

Sites and museums
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