The walls have the word in Verneuil-en-Halatte. Memories of the daily life of the men since Antiquity, " graffiti" were always a means of the expression, of communication or dispute. It acts of religious symbols, the military inscriptions, of human or animal silhouettes or of simple ornaments, these drawings say some long on the lifestyles, the beliefs or the interesting centers in the course of the centuries. More than 3500 mouldings, 21 rooms and 2 vidéos of presentations. Thirty years of research allowed the result of an exceptional, admirably museography collection in Verneuil en Halatte, with the helps of the commune, department and area.
* The Saint-Honore Church
Detaching on foliations of the forest of Halatte the high silhouette of its bell-tower with stone arrow, the church Saint Honore remains a building wrongfully ignored. Interesting archaeological problems that it poses as the quality of its architecture of the end of the Gothic will however not fail to reward the visitors willing to grant the attention.
- The manor Solomon de Brosse
With the origin called " Hotel of Quentin" Saint; , the manor Solomon de Brosse took his name and its current final form as from the XVII century. This house, formerly called " House jaune" or " House of Sully" integrated in the collection buildings which constituted, at the end of XVI century, Hostel of St Quentin. The architect Solomon de Brosse, born in a close house, bought this manor in 1613 to make his dwelling of it.
- The Gallo-Roman Villa of BUFOSSE
The Gallo-Roman site, old firm of 1st front century J.C built of wood and torchi, was exploited 1st at the 4th century. As of the Roman conquest this important farm, of the traditional shape out of U replaces the old Gallic enclosures. With the origin, dimensions were of 450 m out of 100 m broad.