Welcome to creil

TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureCREIL (60)

Creil is located in the department of Oise and the Picardy area. Located in the valley of Oise, in the north of the Paris region, this city of almost 34.000 inhabitants, called Creillois, is in the center of an agglomeration of more than 100.000 inhabitants, the second of the area.

Sit of a royal castle with the Middle Ages, Creil is especially developed during the XIX century, thanks to an industry profiting from the presence of the railroad as from 1844 and the proximity from the capital. Specialized initially in earthenware, the agglomeration became a great metallurgical center and shelters as from the XX century of several factories related to automobile industry. The city, whose historic site is located on the Saint-Maurice island then on left bank, is extended to the neighbourhoods of the station, on Right Bank as from 1850.

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CreilCreil, a rich city of its cultural diversity


In the middle of the large basin creillois with its 135.000 inhabitants, Creil is the third town of Oise, in the center of the second agglomeration of the Picardy area. Rich person of its industrial tradition, in particular in the production of earthenware since the 19th century, the town of Creil asserts its working history and its cultural diversity with nearly 70 nationalities resulting from successive immigrations from 19th and the 20th century. In 2009, with more than 34.000 inhabitants (34.299 with the last census in 2009) a third is old of less than twenty years, Creil is affirmed like the first medium-sized city, in the north of Paris.

It is equipped with all the equipment social, sporting, administrative, cultural and of health which make it possible its inhabitants to find, in the vicinity, the whole of the useful services.

Anchored in its territory and main door of the Regional natural park of Oise the city crossed by the river “Oise” is largely open on a dense natural environment, with also nearly the third of its territory reserved for green areas.

It is thus a city open and accessible, strong from its identity and its human richness, turned towards its youth and its future that we propose to you to discover as of now.

To see: The museum Gallé-Juillet; house built in 1788 on part of the remains of the castle of Charles V.

Crédit photo : Céréales Killer, licence CC-BY-SA-3.0

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Visit the monuments in Creil

miniature miniature miniature miniature miniature
  • The Castle

The first castle of Creil (Palatium Credilii) was described as " cretheltense castrum " on the time when it was devastated by the Norman ones into 860 and 894. Behind the town hall, with the site of collegial the Saint Evremond, you can see the vestiges of the old castle rebuilt by Charles V in XIV century (in 1374) with the site of a castle-extremely much older. It was sold by the prince of Condé and was partly demolished in 1784. Many kings de France, Saint Louis with Louis XIV, remained there, in particular Charles VI who looked after his madness there. This is in the house Galle July become municipal museum that are the oldest elements (XIII century).

  • Collegial Saint-Evremond

Built in XIII century in the vicinity of the castle, collegial Saint-Evremond remained 5 centuries without undergoing rehandlings, one let it age quietly. But in 1767, the cardinal of Gesvres, bishop of Beauvais, had to put it in interdict, his outdatedness making it dangerous. Work was undertaken, in 1782 the gate disappeared to build a barn dimeress; on the new frames, the slate replaced the old tile. On April 30, 1791, the collegial one was sold like national good. The bell-tower was thrown low in 1825, and, in 1876, the two collateral ones. It was destroyed at the beginning of the century to allow the construction of l' town hall after having been used as stores with the Faience manufacture. The capitals and other vestiges which could be recovered during the demolition are preserved at the museum.

  • The Museum Galle July

At the bottom of the court of the Town hall, is a beautiful residence surrounded by its gardens to the Frenchwoman: the House Galle July, become today Museum. Middle-class family residence of the XIX century, the House Galle July was built in 1788 on part of the remainders of the castle of Charles V. It evokes in its 19 parts the provincial life of the middle-class of l' time.

  • The Saint Medard church

The church Saint Medard is most oddly designed that you can imagine. Its history undoubtedly explains this deformity.

  • The Theatre

Right before the bridge of butchery, on one of the arms of l' Oise, the theatre was built in 1882 (700 places, 2 balconies) per Mr. MARTIN, merchant of wholesale wines, to give pleasure with his wife, former ballet dancer. It became cinema-theatre in 1926.

  • TheTown hall

The Town hall was built after the demolition of the remainders of the old castle and the old Collegial Saint-Évremont. The Town hall was inaugurated on June 7, 1903.

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The nature in the city


The Oise, the Saint-Maurice island, banks, slopes timbered, public gardens, adventure playgrounds, gardens family.

The wooded slopes are the natural borders between the districts built on the plate creillois and the low city. Crossings pedestrians and many ways of walk are arranged there (coast with Cricri, way of Be worth, descent of Landaux…).

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Cultural events in Creil


Several demonstrations proceed each year in the commune:

  • March: festival “Close to on your premise, the artists”, festival of the artistic practices amateurs created in 2003 organized by the house of associations;
  • April: Manga Convention, day of the animation around the topic of the manga, created in 2008;
  • at the beginning of June: “meetings of dance hip-hop” to the Faience manufacture, festival created in 2004 gathering amateurs groups come from all the department of Oise;
  • June: association celebrates, on the Saint-Maurice island;
  • 3rd weekend of September: “Creil breathes! ”, animations in downtown area around the topic of sustainable development;
  • At the beginning of November: fair with chestnuts, trade fair of the city which would have been created in 1211;
  • 3rd week of November: Living room of the book and of band-drawn, created in 1987, it is held each year in the space Faience manufacture.
Crédit photo : Céréales Killer, licence CC-BY-SA-3.0

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