The first castle of Creil (Palatium Credilii) was described as " cretheltense castrum " on the time when it was devastated by the Norman ones into 860 and 894. Behind the town hall, with the site of collegial the Saint Evremond, you can see the vestiges of the old castle rebuilt by Charles V in XIV century (in 1374) with the site of a castle-extremely much older. It was sold by the prince of Condé and was partly demolished in 1784. Many kings de France, Saint Louis with Louis XIV, remained there, in particular Charles VI who looked after his madness there. This is in the house Galle July become municipal museum that are the oldest elements (XIII century).
Built in XIII century in the vicinity of the castle, collegial Saint-Evremond remained 5 centuries without undergoing rehandlings, one let it age quietly. But in 1767, the cardinal of Gesvres, bishop of Beauvais, had to put it in interdict, his outdatedness making it dangerous. Work was undertaken, in 1782 the gate disappeared to build a barn dimeress; on the new frames, the slate replaced the old tile. On April 30, 1791, the collegial one was sold like national good. The bell-tower was thrown low in 1825, and, in 1876, the two collateral ones. It was destroyed at the beginning of the century to allow the construction of l' town hall after having been used as stores with the Faience manufacture. The capitals and other vestiges which could be recovered during the demolition are preserved at the museum.
At the bottom of the court of the Town hall, is a beautiful residence surrounded by its gardens to the Frenchwoman: the House Galle July, become today Museum. Middle-class family residence of the XIX century, the House Galle July was built in 1788 on part of the remainders of the castle of Charles V. It evokes in its 19 parts the provincial life of the middle-class of l' time.
The church Saint Medard is most oddly designed that you can imagine. Its history undoubtedly explains this deformity.
Right before the bridge of butchery, on one of the arms of l' Oise, the theatre was built in 1882 (700 places, 2 balconies) per Mr. MARTIN, merchant of wholesale wines, to give pleasure with his wife, former ballet dancer. It became cinema-theatre in 1926.
The Town hall was built after the demolition of the remainders of the old castle and the old Collegial Saint-Évremont. The Town hall was inaugurated on June 7, 1903.