Welcome to forcalquier

TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureFORCALQUIER (04)

Forcalquier is located at 747 kilometers in the south-east of Paris in the department of Alpes-de-Haute-Provence and the area Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. Formerly capital of a flourishing county, founded in the XI century, it is chief town of district now.

Visit the monuments of Forcalquier

  • The Cathedral « Notre Dame du Marché » in Forcalquier :  Its central nave, choir, transept and steeple all date from the early XIIIth century and are the first examples of gothic art in Provence. The bell tower is XVIth, its lateral naives and the second storey of the steeple are XVIIth century. There is a magnificent organ which dates from 1629.
  • The Graded cemetery : (1835) yew trees pruned into arch-shapes gives it its beautiful perspective of plant architecture, unique in Europe.
  • Le Couvent des Cordeliers in Forcalquier : This Franciscan convent in Forcalquier : beautiful restoration from 1963 who returned his aspect of origin. Currently seat of the European University of the Scents and Savours.
  • Lurs :  a typical hilltop village overlooking the Durance valley as well as the Valensole plateau and the southern Alpine foothills near Digne to the east, and the region of Forcalquier to the west. The well-known dovecotes in Limans, some dating from the XVth century, built all round the village are worth visiting.
  • The church in Cruis : VIth century sculptured stone, a beautifully restored XVIIth century gilt wooden retable, the arches of a gothic cloister, and « santons » (figurines) classed as a « Monument Historique ». (MH)
  • Notre Dame de Lure in Saint Etienne les Orgues : this former abbey of the order of Chalais is located in a coomb on the southern slope of the Montagne de Lure. It was built in a secluded spot, in the heart of a great forest.

Accommodation nearby

le-lavandin valensole

Le Lavandin

  • Valensole
  • 04 92 74 85 18
club-domaine-de-chateau-laval-vacances-bleues greoux-les-bains

Club Domaine de Château-Laval - Vacances Bleues

  • Greoux-les-bains
  • 04 91 00 96 48
la-colline-des-ocres villars

La Colline des Ocres

  • Villars
  • 04 90 75 44 58

Discover the landscapesin Forcalquier


The Route de la Lavande : It would be impossible to imagine the Pays de Forcalquier, in the heart of the summer, without the deep blues stretching towards the horizon and perfuming the villages and countryside. The heady essences will bring back memories of old wardrobes, the winding lanes climbing towards the belfry and beautiful summer mornings...

The Mountain of Lure has its highest point at 1826 metres and extends from east to west over some fifty kilometres. Lure borrows its exceptional sunny weather to the mediterranean climate and the coolness of its winds to the Alps. The encounter of these two worlds has given the flora an exceptional richness and for a long time the picking and transformation of plants was a prosperous activity for the villages at the foot of the Mountain of Lure. Until the second world war, lumbering and local transformation of wood into charcoal were an important part  of the regional economy.  

Today it is a space dedicated to the activities of full air (excursion, strolls, gathering) and to tourism.


Accommodation nearby

le-lavandin valensole

Le Lavandin

  • Valensole
  • 04 92 74 85 18
club-domaine-de-chateau-laval-vacances-bleues greoux-les-bains

Club Domaine de Château-Laval - Vacances Bleues

  • Greoux-les-bains
  • 04 91 00 96 48
la-colline-des-ocres villars

La Colline des Ocres

  • Villars
  • 04 90 75 44 58

Taste the products


 Site Remarquable du Goût : The region of Forcalquier has received this distinction for 3 of its local products :

  • Olive oil from Lurs : Production is still carried out as it always has been and during the winter months are pressed to extract the oil. It is a very fruity oil, taken from the olives grown on the hillside below Lurs and is of an exceptionally high quality.
  • The Banon Goats’ Cheese worked out in Haute-Provence obtained its AOC in 2003. As mysterious as a well wrapped gift, it is only revealed when its chestnut leaf wrapper has been removed, leaving a creamy cheese with a very subtle smell and a smile of satisfaction from the person offering it. It is made from goats or ewe’s milk, whose herds graze on the hillside fields of sainfoin, the freshly curdled milk which becomes a cheese will only be a « Banon » after having been left to mature in its chestnut leaf wrapping by the special art of its producer  and so to obtain its creamy aspect and distinctive smell..
  • The alcoholic drinks made from the aromatic herbs of Forcalquier : result of long research and long-dated know-how. The « Distilleries et Domaines de Provence » makes drinks and liquors based on aromatic herbs, as for example Henri Bardouin’s Pastis , the « Gentiane » from Lure and the « Farigoule », a liquor made with thyme

Into the « Bistrots de Pays »

A unique experience created in 1993 by the Syndicat Intercommunal (SIVOM) of the Pays de Forcalquier. The objective is to maintain minimum service in the villages using the last rural trade which also has the role of a tourist information relay.             

The Bistrots de Pays are attached to the provençal way of life and are ready to welcome you and offer you meals varying from a simple snack to more gastronomic fare. They can also help you discover all the riches of their region.

Accommodation nearby

le-lavandin valensole

Le Lavandin

  • Valensole
  • 04 92 74 85 18
club-domaine-de-chateau-laval-vacances-bleues greoux-les-bains

Club Domaine de Château-Laval - Vacances Bleues

  • Greoux-les-bains
  • 04 91 00 96 48
la-colline-des-ocres villars

La Colline des Ocres

  • Villars
  • 04 90 75 44 58

"Savoir-vivre" of the inhabitants


While strolling on the market of Forcalquier: monday morning. In the whole city, the market spread out its perfumes and its colors. It is the traditional point of meeting between the producers, craftsmen and the inhabitants coming from the four corners of the Pays de Forcalquier.

Farming, bee-keeping, stockbreeding, forestry, and the gathering of medicinal and aromatic herbs have always been a part of the life of the Pays de Forcalquier.
Farming accounts for a large part of the activity in most of the communes and varies according to the location. On the southern slopes of the Montagne de Lure - a dry, forested zone - sheep- and goat-breeding predominate along with the growing of lavender and other perfume plants... Further south and at a lower altitude, the Forcalquier plain and the sector of Reillanne, at the foot of the Luberon chain, irrigated farming gives produce such as cereals, flowers, vegetable farming : melons, courgettes, lettuce...).

Local producers focus on quality and authenticity.

The Christmas tradition : crib with its “santons”, the Large Supper and the thirteen desserts, Nadalet in the chime, the Pays de Forcalquier and Montagne de Lure is deeply marked by the traditions of Christmas.

Accommodation nearby

le-lavandin valensole

Le Lavandin

  • Valensole
  • 04 92 74 85 18
club-domaine-de-chateau-laval-vacances-bleues greoux-les-bains

Club Domaine de Château-Laval - Vacances Bleues

  • Greoux-les-bains
  • 04 91 00 96 48
la-colline-des-ocres villars

La Colline des Ocres

  • Villars
  • 04 90 75 44 58

Overflight of the Country of Forcalquier in the Montgolfière


Single and magic adventure, you will discover the hidden treasures that only a flight in the montgolfier can make you unearth!

Program of a flight: appointment with Forcalquier at daybreak, transfer to the ground  of the flight, preparations of inflation of the balloon with your active participation. After landing, arrangement of the balloon, pastoral breakfast, certificate of flight and return on the starting site.

Accommodation nearby

le-lavandin valensole

Le Lavandin

  • Valensole
  • 04 92 74 85 18
club-domaine-de-chateau-laval-vacances-bleues greoux-les-bains

Club Domaine de Château-Laval - Vacances Bleues

  • Greoux-les-bains
  • 04 91 00 96 48
la-colline-des-ocres villars

La Colline des Ocres

  • Villars
  • 04 90 75 44 58

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