The valensole plateau

DepartureMANOSQUE (04)
DetailsYou will discover on this tour, the lavender country in other words, the plate of valensole.

Corbières & sainte tulle


The first village that you will discover is Corbières : Corbières is not visible from the road, this is a pity because the village is beautiful and nice. Thus you better have to penetrate in its old smiling streets to discover it. In Corbières, you will be able to see feudal ruins, the Saint-Sébastian church rebuilt during the 16th century just like two vaults. The panorama and the pleasing streets are wonderful. Here, as in many towns of the country,Higher Quality Wine called "Côteau-de-Pierrevert" is produced. While continuing N 96, you will arrive at Sainte-Tulle: You will be charmed by an old part of the center of town with its small places, its narrow lanes and its roofed passageways, the secret of Provence. What to see:Its old and picturesque houses. The basic church Our-Lady (14th century). The Sainte-Tulle vault which contains a crypt of 8th century dug partly in the rock. Then Carry on your way on Manosque which will not be visited immediately. Cross the Durance close to the toll of the motorway and go by tortuous D 4 on Oraison.

Accommodation nearby

club-domaine-de-chateau-laval-vacances-bleues greoux-les-bains

Club Domaine de Château-Laval - Vacances Bleues

  • Greoux-les-bains
  • 04 91 00 96 48
le-lavandin valensole

Le Lavandin

  • Valensole
  • 04 92 74 85 18



The small town which has as a slogan "a city in the countryside" manages to attract new people (less than 3 000 in 1982, 4 183 in 2002). Oraison has also a rich historical inheritance. Its name first means "high and windy place", the Romans left marks of their presence with a furnace potter and tumulary bricked tombs containing the medals of the emperors Auguste, Vespasien, Domitien, Trajan... The ruins of the castle of the Tholonet hill always overhang the town, this last was replaced during the 13th century by the imposing castle built by the Fulque family in the centre of town. The bridge of stone that spans the Durance goes back to 1888 and had the chance to be saved by the bombings of the release in 1944.The bridge of stone that spans the Durance goes back to 1888 and had the chance to be saved by the bombings of the release in 1944. This bridge that was recently widened was largely inaugurated with the presence of the famous Frederic Mistral. To see:The Gothic church Our-Lady-of-Thor 17th century, equipped with a bell-tower of 33 meters. Fountains and laundrettes. Oraison offers also many walks on paths marked out, possibilities of fishing and bath on the Buissonades water and the hippodrome where races are disputed. Go on the steps of its cellebrities (Honore Bicais; Eugene Burlot; Jean Marc Gaspard Itard)

Accommodation nearby

club-domaine-de-chateau-laval-vacances-bleues greoux-les-bains

Club Domaine de Château-Laval - Vacances Bleues

  • Greoux-les-bains
  • 04 91 00 96 48
le-lavandin valensole

Le Lavandin

  • Valensole
  • 04 92 74 85 18

Les mees & malijai


The small town of Mées consists of a strengthened centre town, beautiful houses of the 17th century and of a gate of the same time (registered). You will also be able to see in Mées two churches of XVIème and several vaults. Mées is also known for its local geological curiosity, the penitent. When one passes on the motorway, the eye is irremediably attracted by an alignment of huge rocks which seem in procession one behind the others, such as the monks. by approaching, you can admire these monsters made up of poudingue (assembly of rocks) which rise with the side of the plate. By D 4, join Malijai now. While arriving in Malijai, a panel will accomodate you about in these terms: "If Napoleon stopped, why don't you?". Indeed, Napoleon on his exile return stopped in the castle while waiting for Cambronne to check if Sisteron would resist. Its castle (one of most delicately decorated of the department) is the work of a Marseilles middle-class rich person who was called Pierre Vincent Noguier.

Accommodation nearby

club-domaine-de-chateau-laval-vacances-bleues greoux-les-bains

Club Domaine de Château-Laval - Vacances Bleues

  • Greoux-les-bains
  • 04 91 00 96 48
le-lavandin valensole

Le Lavandin

  • Valensole
  • 04 92 74 85 18

Puimichel & the castellet


The beautiful perched village of Puimichel will offer his basic church of the 13th century, its castle of the 12th century and Your friendly reception Indeed, it seems that life can begin again thanks to the installation of trade and art craftsmen. Because it is often the case, an "engine" of development is present, as an astronomical observatory opened to everybody, having the largest non proffessional telescope of the world (106 cm). While continuing, join Castellet: small typical village in the valley of the capriciux torrent of Rancure. It will offer you its calms and his nature while being very close to many places of interest and the facilities of town(Oraison). To see in Castellet, the feudal ruins, the castle of Taillas (12th century), the round fountain with two guns, the basic church 13th century.

Accommodation nearby

club-domaine-de-chateau-laval-vacances-bleues greoux-les-bains

Club Domaine de Château-Laval - Vacances Bleues

  • Greoux-les-bains
  • 04 91 00 96 48
le-lavandin valensole

Le Lavandin

  • Valensole
  • 04 92 74 85 18

Entrevennes & brunet


Located on a rise of the ground (640 meters), the village of Entrevennes, typically of Provence, will offer you his rectangular castle with a flanked fore-part of round towers, its door in the center is decorated of Acanthuses sheets. The lanes are strewn with houses of the 16th century and the Saint Martin's day church dates from the 12th century. A potter that manufactures earthenware of Moustiers is also installed here. Go down then in the valley of Adze that cuts the plate of Valensole with the small D 101. At the crossroad with D907, turn right and 4 km after go up in Brunet (D108) : The perched village of Brunet located at the end of the valley of the Adze will propose to you his old village, its feudal ruins and its sumptuous panoramas on the valley of Valensole. It should be noted also that traces of Templiers were discovered here (a house with tombstone inscriptions).

Accommodation nearby

club-domaine-de-chateau-laval-vacances-bleues greoux-les-bains

Club Domaine de Château-Laval - Vacances Bleues

  • Greoux-les-bains
  • 04 91 00 96 48
le-lavandin valensole

Le Lavandin

  • Valensole
  • 04 92 74 85 18

Puimoisson & saint-jurs


The village of Puimoisson, on the plate, has many monuments. We will quote in particular : Strengthened doors of 13th century. The Gothic church the Michaelmas of 15th century (registered). The strengthened vault Saint-Appolinaire of 12th century (classified). The vault Our-Lady-of-Bellevue (registered). Since Puimoisson, as on the whole the plate, many rambles, by bike or horse are possible. Near Puimoisson (8 km), is the village of Saint-Jurs : This village is very picturesque with its medieval ruin, inclined lanes and its castle of Alès of the 16th century transformed into farm.

Accommodation nearby

club-domaine-de-chateau-laval-vacances-bleues greoux-les-bains

Club Domaine de Château-Laval - Vacances Bleues

  • Greoux-les-bains
  • 04 91 00 96 48
le-lavandin valensole

Le Lavandin

  • Valensole
  • 04 92 74 85 18



The commune of Valensole which gave its name to the entire plate has a wealthy past, glorious then tumultuous. From This past, it remains many markes : The old town and its lanes whose many doors of houses date from the 17th and 18th century. The church of the 12th century, former priory of Cluny. The ramparts inside whose in an apparent disorder the dwellings pile up. The fountains, one of the 17th century is classified. The Saint-Mayeul vault which was projected to be restored is in progress. Apart from the many excursions, you will also be able to visit a still and the museum of the bee. Valensole is also the fatherland of: the admiral Pierre of Villeneuve (1763/1806) that ordered the imperial marine at the time of the defeat of Trafalgar after being illustrated in Aboukir.

Accommodation nearby

club-domaine-de-chateau-laval-vacances-bleues greoux-les-bains

Club Domaine de Château-Laval - Vacances Bleues

  • Greoux-les-bains
  • 04 91 00 96 48
le-lavandin valensole

Le Lavandin

  • Valensole
  • 04 92 74 85 18

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