- > Museums France
- > Poitou-Charentes
- > Vienne
- > Chauvigny
- > Musée des traditions populaires et d'archéologie
Musée des Traditions populaires et d'Archéologie
The Museum of Popular Traditions and Archaeology was established in 1960. The museum evokes the Neolithic and protohistoric periods but also the modern and contemporary eras. It has clothes, everyday items but also iconographic documents. Models are also presented.
Accommodation nearby
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Opening hours
From April 1st to June 14th and from September to October: every day 2pm - 6pm
From June 15th to August 31st (except Saturday and Sunday morning): 10 am - 12:30 pm and 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
From November to March: weekends
Closed from 20th December to 3rd January
Normal rate: 5,00 €
Reduced price: 3,50 €
Tourism near

- 5 Museum
- 5 Monuments
Musée des Traditions populaires et d'Archéologie
Musée de Préhistoire Raymond Touchard
Le musée Sainte-Croix
Musée Minerve
Musée Auto Moto Vélo
Château de Dissay
Le Baptistère Saint-Jean
Abbaye Notre-Dame de Fontgombault


Sciences and discovery

Sciences and discovery
Information within a radius of 30 km