- > Museums France
- > Poitou-Charentes
- > Vienne
- > Poitiers
- > Le musée sainte-croix
Le musée Sainte-Croix
Archaeological funds and paintings on the regional history illustrate the major events in the history of Poitou. The collections is initially due to the work of Father Gibault and the Society of Antiquaries of the West, founded in 1834. The museum has since expanded its collections.
The Department of Fine Arts has a large number of representative works of the nineteenth century art movements such as Symbolism (Odilon Redon, Gustave Moreau), Orientalism (Chassériau), the new Classicism (David Gauffier). The modern and contemporary art are also present (Bonnard, Sisley, Mondrian). Many school activities (creative workshop, teaching aids) and cultural events (guided tours, documentary films, meetings) are offered.
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Opening hours
Hours from October 1 to May 31
continuous day Tuesday: Holy Cross at the museum from 10 am to l7h
Wednesday to Friday: 10h-12h / 13h15-17h
Saturday and Sunday: 14h-18h
Closed Mondays and holidays, except November 11 and the Ascension.
Hours from June 1 to September 30
Tuesday to Friday: 10h-12h / 13h15-18h
Saturday and Sunday: 10h-12h / 14h-18h
Nocturnes: Museum Holy Cross on Tuesday until 20h in July and August
Closed Mondays and holidays, except July 14 and August 15.
Individual: 4.00 €
Groups of adults: 3.00 €
Sunday: 2.00 €
Access to museums for all categories of visitors, is free
-Tuesday and the first Sunday of each month
-at national events (Night of Museums, Heritage Days, ...) and events organized by the City related to the promotion of heritage.
Tourism near

- 3 Museum
- 5 Monuments