At 10 km in the South of Valence, the commune of Étoile-sur-Rhône is extended on 4279 hectares of grounds and along the Rhone on 10 km.
- the plain, rich person of fauna and flora joined a strewn hill of the fruit trees and the perched village dominates the Valley of the Rhone, opposite, the first mountains of the Ardeche.
- The Roman epoch, Star inherited its name, in Latin " Stella ". With the turnings of the lanes and places, a fountain, a rampart, the Notre Dame church, the Diane tower of Poitiers, the Concise Charter of 1244, the laundrette… A certain environment, already of Provence, emerges from this strolls through the centuries…
- Monuments and houses, often out of stones Star ochre-orange and out of rollers of the Rhone give to the village a particular aspect the evenings of summer or autumn. You will be surprised by the multiple points of sights of the village, it is necessary to raise the eyes on a sculpture, a detail of door and " to climb " until the Park of the Castle for the panorama on the Valley of the Rhone. The place of the Republic shelters a magniolia more than centenary….
- This is at Etoile in July 1789 the first gathering of the French national guards took place which was the starting point of the festival of the Federation in Paris on July 14, 1790.
- Thanks to the Rhone and its alluvial terraces, the ground is rich and l' agriculture diversified for a long time. The river-king also drained in his flow of many boats which with l' time made halts with the many relays of towing which the commune counted; in still " testifies; Calabert "