Charmes sur Rhône gave its name to the city (of Latin charmis, camus, arid ground). The Roman occupation was important, as testify the presence to it to various necropoles, as well as the tomb of Senator Romain ALETHIUS placed now under the perron of the town hall. At the top, the feudal castle ruins day before of it always on the valley. Residence of the family of Crussol until the XVI century, it was dismantled on order of Richelieu by the inhabitants in 1624,
in only one day! many houses were then built with the stones of the castle, like the private mansion of 1746 transformed into Town hall in 2000.
You will leave the RN86 to discover with foot the village while following " the path of Troubadour" through skilfully restored lanes, in the medieval city with the table of orientation with the remarkable panorama.
You will discover, while passing, the river of Embroye with uneven the rapid in granitic chaos. It provided the force of its tumultuous water to many mills and grindings in the activity until at the beginning of the XX century. You will benefit from the beneficial shade of the various doors in arcades and will mark a pause with the foot of the old woman tower, monument emblematic of the village, built on the basis of bell-tower. The contemporary part of the village is extended in the plain near the old royal road and of the RN86. The Rhone domesticated by a stopping receives the Embroye river by forming a d' plan; water arbitrating a small marina. The classified river first category, offers to the amateurs trout fishing, an exceptional framework. Village charged by the history and the tradition, Charmes celebrates since mists of time, each 1st Sunday of Lent the revival and the young grooms of year, with la Surle, (ancestor of our sports of ball).