Thanks to its historical centre in medieval matter, entirely inhabited and restored it presents an old face, but renovated and its sloping streets and lanes, its escarpés staircases, its andrônes mysterious, its majestic tower, invite to a quiet walk-discovery.
The transition enters yesterday and today was achieved carefully during the last decades. Agriculture remains a big factor of activity with its diversified productions: garlic, cereals, fruits, breeding. The artisanal and industrial zone gathers powerful companies.
The tourists can discover, on the one hand the arrow circuits of the village passing by a table of orientation opening on a vast horizon and on the other hand the tropical aquarium, the station of Ramières, open place where all the sensitivities can find their place there on the 360 hectares along the Drome river; the memorial of Resistance on the plate of Shoe, the Saint-Joseph house. Community life is rich good wills and certain demonstrations largely overflow the framework allexois, such Big Bazar, first Sunday of September.
The tourist office is present to deliver various information and documentations and you will find in this site all the required information.
The trade ensure the main part of the local services. All this fabric of activities contributes to make our village pleasant for its inhabitants, gravitational and accessible for the visitors, required for his situation and its framework of life.