Welcome to hyères

TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureHYERES (83)

Hyères is located at 702 kilometers in the south-east from Paris in the department of the Var and the area Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. Chief town of two cantons, the city, located on bank of the Mediterranean, with at the mouth of Gapeau, is a called seaside resort “Hyères the Palm trees” thanks to the 7.000 palm trees planted in the commune and cultivated in the seedbeds.

Visit Hyères les Palmiers city


Located 15 km east of Toulon, 84 km from Marseille and 50 km from Saint-Tropez, the town of Hyères les Palmiers is a small part of a protected Provence at the foot of the Massif des Maures and bordered by the Mediterranean Sea.

With 300 days of sunshine per year, an exceptional countryside and Mediterranean climate, Hyères les Palmiers is also proud of its Islands i.e. Porquerolles, Port Cros and Le Levant, its peninsula of Giens, its medieval centre and its Victorian suburbs.

Hyères les Palmiers has a famous bay and harbours many sport activities such as scuba-diving, sailing, fun board and kite-surf. The town was awarded « Nautical Resort » and « Pavillon bleu » (for the quality of its sea water).

Hyères les Palmiers has the particularity of facing two opposite directions.

The Giens peninsula is 6 km long and is attached to the continent by two isthmuses forming a double Tombolo and separating the sea in two. The peninsula is the most Mediterranean part of the Cote d’Azur with its local ports La Madrague, Niel and the Tour Fondue as well as the picturesque village of Giens located at the end of the peninsula. On the east of the peninsula, lies a basin of 27 000 ha facing the Porquerolles Islands, Port Cros and Le Levant. This is a cherished international spot for sailing and water sport competitions and attracts well-known sailors. You can watch the Sailing Tour of France, the pre-Olympic Sailing Competition each year and admire magnificent boats competing during the numerous prestigious regattas.

On the west, the Almanarre bay offers a unique spot to Kite-surfers and wind surfers from all over the world. Many champions spend most of their time practising here. Many international events are organised here e.g. Fun Board World Cup, Kite surf World Cup …and a Water sport Fair is organised each year.

The sandy beaches are white and when the mistral wind (west wind) blows it creates waves and offers an ideal playground. When the east wind blows the beach is protected from the wind and swimming is ideal.Facing the Islands, the architecture of this medieval town portrays the Provence history. You can enjoy the warm sun in the winding narrow streets and under the palm trees, visit the craft shops, markets, fresh fish shops, flower shops and buy the local olives.There are many cafés, terraces and restaurants, street animations, guided visits all year round.

Further to the north the Borrels and Sauvebonne Valleys are environmentally protected areas. Mainly agricultural, you can find local home products, fruit trees, vineyards or flower growers (roses etc). It is ideal for excursions by foot, horse or bicycle.

Accommodation nearby

le-surplage hyeres

Le Surplage

  • Hyeres
  • 04 9 4 58 0 0 78
hotel-restaurant-le-ceinturon hyeres

Hôtel Restaurant Le Ceinturon

  • Hyeres
  • 04 94 66 33 63
les-stoechades hyeres

Les Stoechades

  • Hyeres
  • 04 9 4 58 0 3 55

Discover the cultural places of Hyères les Palmiers


Open: 1/04 - 30/09

In the 4th century BC, the Greek of Marseille founded on the Giens golf, a fortified market place called OLBIA and a port. This was part of their fortified colony and was a stop-over protecting the Galois merchant ships on their way to Italy, from pirates. In the 1st century BC, Olbia was taken over by the Roman but continued to have an important economic status. 600 years after the antique period, a Cistercian Abbey was built here at the beginning of the 13th century. Olbia and its ruins are exceptional and is the only Greek village left in good condition and open to the public in France. The guides are specialised in archaeology and there are schoolchildren’s workshops.


 12-13th century. Historical monument. The 12th century ruins were used to refurbish the castle for Charles Anjou after 1257. Information boards, an orientation table and map of the town are available. Lit-up at night. Entrance free.

  • LA TOUR DES TEMPLIERS ( Tour Sainte Blaise)

Open all year everyday.
Summer: open from 10-12 am and 2-7pm except Tuesdays and public holidays.

Winter: open 10-12 am and 2-5 pm except Mondays and Tuesdays.

Historical monument. Built by the Templars in the 12th century. It was taken over by the Beaulieu Commandery and was used as the Town Council until 1913. It has been restored and is today an exhibition centre. Lit-up at night


 Roman and 13th century primitive gothic style where lie treasures, an 1878 organ, a beautiful stone retable, an 1846 marble Florentine virgin and a 17th century crucified Christ.

  • LA TOUR FONDUE ( Batterie du Pradeau)

 Probably built in 1634 it was transformed between the 17-18th century. Its battery had barracks, and a gun powder unit. Not open to the public for security reasons.


19-20th century building transformed in 1980 into a cultural centre. Situated in the King’s gardens at the time, bought by the town in 1934 it became a public building. Facades and gardens were restored in 1999 and 2001.


 19th century. Built by Pierre Chapoulard for Alexis Godillot who used it for receptions and rented it to winter vacationers. Visit from outside.


 Open from 15/06 – 15/06. 10:30-5:30 pm. Entrance free. Built between 1634 and 1640 this fort is similar to the Cardinal Richelieu forts, can be visited. The tower offers a spectacular view. There is an exhibition ‘History of Port Cros” and a presentation of the National Park and its activities. 40 minutes walk from the Port.

Accommodation nearby

le-surplage hyeres

Le Surplage

  • Hyeres
  • 04 9 4 58 0 0 78
hotel-restaurant-le-ceinturon hyeres

Hôtel Restaurant Le Ceinturon

  • Hyeres
  • 04 94 66 33 63
les-stoechades hyeres

Les Stoechades

  • Hyeres
  • 04 9 4 58 0 3 55

Discover the island of Porquerolles


Port Cros island is located east of Porquerolles and takes one hour from Port St Pierre, Hyères. It is 4 km long and 2.5 km wide and is not only the smallest of the islands but the most mountainous and wildest. The highest peak is 194 m .

In 1963 it became the first protected National land and maritime park in Europe – (600 m circumference). The regulations are very strict because the National Park preserves the ecosystem allowing tourists to enjoy it in the best conditions.

The cliffs offer little access to the sea and there are few beaches. There are 35 km of paths and botanical tracks to help you discover the countryside, forest and forts. No cars are allowed on the Island. Scuba-diving and anchoring are prohibited preserving the underwater wildlife and flora.

There is an underwater trail you can follow on the Palud beach at the north and the island is visited by divers from all around the world. You can find information as soon as you arrive at the port at the Maison du Parc National as well as enjoy restaurants along the small port.

Accommodation nearby

le-surplage hyeres

Le Surplage

  • Hyeres
  • 04 9 4 58 0 0 78
hotel-restaurant-le-ceinturon hyeres

Hôtel Restaurant Le Ceinturon

  • Hyeres
  • 04 94 66 33 63
les-stoechades hyeres

Les Stoechades

  • Hyeres
  • 04 9 4 58 0 3 55

The parks and gardens in Hyères


Open May – October. Exhibitions on the conservation of biodiversity and plant patrimony. The gardens have wild and naturalised Mediterranean plants as well as varieties of “gatilliers” (butterflies’ trees) and oleanders. The orchards protect varieties of old trees i.e. 150 fig trees, 200 peach trees, 60 apricot trees, 50 mulberry trees, 100 olive trees). In the village you can also see impressive eucalyptus trees.


Open in summer: 7:30 – 8 pm . Winter: 7:30 – 5 pm.This 7 ha park became the property of the Town the 13 April 1868 after Olbius Hippolyte Antoine Riquier’s will. It was formerly part of the Paris Jardin d’Acclimatation. Located in the south of the town not only this botanical garden has rare exotic species but also shaded walkways, a lake, zoo, an exotic greenhouse, playground games (ponies, train, merry-go-round) and a small café. Entrance free.

Hyères won awards in the Flowered European town competition and Best Town for disabled people.

Accommodation nearby

le-surplage hyeres

Le Surplage

  • Hyeres
  • 04 9 4 58 0 0 78
hotel-restaurant-le-ceinturon hyeres

Hôtel Restaurant Le Ceinturon

  • Hyeres
  • 04 94 66 33 63
les-stoechades hyeres

Les Stoechades

  • Hyeres
  • 04 9 4 58 0 3 55

Discover the Levant island


The Levant is located east of the other Islands and measures 8 km long by 1 km wide and the highest point is 140 m. It takes 1:30 hr to get there from the Port of Hyères and it is separated from Port Cros by a 800 m pass called “Pass des Grottes”.

It is covered by luxurious vegetation and some of southern Europe’s most beautiful arbousiers (strawberry trees).

You can take a walk or follow the special sport trail or the nature trail.

The waters are crystal clear and the underwater fauna and flora are exceptional. A large part of the island is inaccessible to the public because it is a military zone.

Only the west coast is accessible by boat from l’Ayguade port. Nudism is compulsory on the Grottes beach, coastlines and the village is in the centre of the Internationally known as Héliopolis nudism domain.

Accommodation nearby

le-surplage hyeres

Le Surplage

  • Hyeres
  • 04 9 4 58 0 0 78
hotel-restaurant-le-ceinturon hyeres

Hôtel Restaurant Le Ceinturon

  • Hyeres
  • 04 94 66 33 63
les-stoechades hyeres

Les Stoechades

  • Hyeres
  • 04 9 4 58 0 3 55

The track from the Madrague port


This 17.5 km trail enables you to go around the Giens Peninsula and enjoy the cliff views, Island views, Mediterranean forests or coves (partly shut from the entrance of the Niel Port to the Tour Fondue for security reasons).

Accommodation nearby

le-surplage hyeres

Le Surplage

  • Hyeres
  • 04 9 4 58 0 0 78
hotel-restaurant-le-ceinturon hyeres

Hôtel Restaurant Le Ceinturon

  • Hyeres
  • 04 94 66 33 63
les-stoechades hyeres

Les Stoechades

  • Hyeres
  • 04 9 4 58 0 3 55

West circuit in the Porquerolles


From the village take the track towards the lighthouse through the olive trees. Leave the track to discover the Hameau, the Conservatoire Botanique (botanical museum) via the olive tree intersection.

The track continues towards the west bordering the cliffs and through the Mediterranean scrub. The contrast is spectacular compared to the north fringed by large beaches. After several hills such as Mont Esterly, you arrive at the western point of the Island i.e. the beach and peninsula of Grand Langoustier. The Fort Langoustier was a strategic point when Richelieu was head of the armies in the 16th century.

Continue towards the beach “Argent” (silver beach”) where the sand looks silver due to the composition of quartz and white mica. The track circles back to the village..

Accommodation nearby

le-surplage hyeres

Le Surplage

  • Hyeres
  • 04 9 4 58 0 0 78
hotel-restaurant-le-ceinturon hyeres

Hôtel Restaurant Le Ceinturon

  • Hyeres
  • 04 94 66 33 63
les-stoechades hyeres

Les Stoechades

  • Hyeres
  • 04 9 4 58 0 3 55

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