Le Surplage - Apartement Hotel

At 40 km of Holy tropez, to 20 km of Toulon and to 3 km of the airport Toulon/Hyères, the roads of Hyères spreads itself between the cape Benat and the peninsula of Giens, facing the islands of Now. This is on the edges of this magnificent gulf, sheltered mistral by a splendid pinède, that one discovers the beach of the Obtains Hyères, the one of the more beautiful ones of the Coast of Azure. Ideal climate in truth, tempered by the hot sea currents that allow the stays of April to November. Exquisite precocious springs, extremely soft and pleasant falls, that are often extensions of summer. Total rest for the parents accompanied young children because of the big security that offers the beach, without boulders, without holes, to the soft slope. Easy access, classified site, easy and soft climate, of which one keeps a prestigious one to remember.

Le Surplage : Rental

zoom Balcon Mer

Balcon mer (flat)

Every lodging understands: A big piece, widely opened on the beach or the pinède behaving a bed to two places and 1 bed 1 place.
50 € à partir de

Le Surplage : Further information


Tourist tax (N.C)


Car park (N.C)

Spoken language

English, Italian
  • Le surplage
  • Balcon mer
miniature miniature miniature miniature miniature miniature miniature miniature
le-surplage hyeres
miniature miniature miniature
Balcon Mer




Visit Hyeres


Hyères is a Frensh district which lies in the department of Var in the region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.Chief town of two cantons, the town lies on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea at 16 ...
