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- > Musée national de la marine de toulon
Musée national de la marine de Toulon
Illustration of the maritime tradition in the Mediterranean, the museum is full of ships and galleys that trace the evolution of design techniques and demonstrates the evolution of the port of the eighteenth century to the present.
Visitors can discover the introduction of Steam, the traditional shipbuilding, maps and plans, navigational instruments, uniforms and so on. The museum has many thematic exhibitions to reinterpret objects.
Accommodation nearby
Latest news onMusée national de la marine de Toulon
Opening hours
Closed in January
Open from 10 am to 18 pm
- Every day except Tuesday from September to June
- Every day July and August
Closed on May 1 and December 25
Full price: € 5.50
Reduced: € 4
Supplement Activity: € 3 (adults and children)
Tourism near
Visit the city of Toulon
- 7 Museum
- 13 Monuments
Musée national de la marine de Toulon
Musée d’Art de Toulon
Le Musée des arts asiatiques à Toulon
Musée de la Marine
Musée d'Art Asiatique
Musée Départemental du Var
La place de la Liberté à Toulon
L’église Saint-François-de-Paule à Toulon
La Cathédrale Sainte-Marie-de-la-Seds à Toulon
L’église Saint-Louis à Toulon
La porte de l'Arsenal de Toulon
La Tour de l'horloge à Toulon
Le bateau sculpture à Toulon
La Tour Royale
Fort de la Bayarde
Eglise Sainte-Madeleine
Villa Noailles
Eglise Notre-Dame de l’Assomption
Wine on the Wine Route of Provence
Sciences and discovery
Tour to explore Var
Sciences and discovery
Toulon city
Sciences and discovery
Sciences and discovery
Discovery between sea and forest
Information within a radius of 30 km