Discover jarnac city

TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureJARNAC (16)

Jarnac is located in the department of Charente and the Poitou-Charentes area. It is located on Right Bank of the Charente river between Angouleme and Cognac.

This is in particular the birthplace of president François Mitterrand. Since August 2004, the city accomodates every year the university of summer of Convention for the sixth Republic.

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Jarnac, birthplace of François Mitterrand


 François Mitterrand was born on October 26, 1916 and lived there all his childhood. The visitors can traverse the parts of the ground floor and impregnate the framework of life which marked and accompanied François Mitterrand. An exposure of photographs and documents new, installation by the institute François Mitterrand, makes it possible to knowmore the family and the youth of the President.

Museum François Mitterrand - 10 Quai de l' Orangery Two exposures to be visited:

  • A collection made up the objects, sculptures, drawings, offered to the President by personalities of the whole world
  • An exposure including of the models of the great operations of the structure and the town planning wanted by François MITTERRAND of 1981 to 1995 and carried out by famous international architects, a video space and desks of the information.

Cemetery of Grand' Houses
Street of Grand' Houses Burial of François Mitterrand, arrow course since the entry.

Accommodation nearby

hostellerie-du-maine-brun asnieres-sur-nouere

Hostellerie du Maine Brun

  • Asnieres-sur-nouere
  • 05 45 90 83 00
hotel-restaurant-la-vieille-auberge barbezieux-saint-hilaire

Hôtel Restaurant la Vieille Auberge

  • Barbezieux-saint-hilaire
  • 05 45 78 02 61
hotel-terminus angouleme

Hôtel Terminus

  • Angouleme
  • 05 45 92 39 00

The Saint Pierre church


Built mainly with the XIII° century and altered during centuries, it knew to preserve its crypt of the XIII° century (acessible) and a German organ of the end of the XIX century bought by the commune and the parish of Jarnac in 1900.
Free access following opening.

Accommodation nearby

hostellerie-du-maine-brun asnieres-sur-nouere

Hostellerie du Maine Brun

  • Asnieres-sur-nouere
  • 05 45 90 83 00
hotel-restaurant-la-vieille-auberge barbezieux-saint-hilaire

Hôtel Restaurant la Vieille Auberge

  • Barbezieux-saint-hilaire
  • 05 45 78 02 61
hotel-terminus angouleme

Hôtel Terminus

  • Angouleme
  • 05 45 92 39 00

The Abbey of Bassac


Founded at the XI century, the Abbey of Bassac is animated since 1947 by the brothers missionaries of Ste thérèse de l'Enfant Jésus.

50 simple and comfortable rooms, restoration on the spot, conference room, SILOE shop Animations: Open doors on August 15

Festival of Ste. Therese in October.

Free visits every day of 15:00 to 18:00 and guided visits in summer and all the year on reservation

Tariffs: adults: 3 €, children from 5 to 14 years: 2 adult €, groups of + of 10 people: 3 € (Periods and suitable schedules for modifications)

Accommodation nearby

hostellerie-du-maine-brun asnieres-sur-nouere

Hostellerie du Maine Brun

  • Asnieres-sur-nouere
  • 05 45 90 83 00
hotel-terminus angouleme

Hôtel Terminus

  • Angouleme
  • 05 45 92 39 00
hotel-restaurant-la-vieille-auberge barbezieux-saint-hilaire

Hôtel Restaurant la Vieille Auberge

  • Barbezieux-saint-hilaire
  • 05 45 78 02 61

Path of the Sculpture


Travel in the middle of the Charentais country, the cities downtown, from villages to villages, a way of the sculpture is proposed to you. This course proposes the monumental works carried out during the various Symposiums of sculptures on stone of Julienne. This way could be declined around varied and multiple sets of themes: walks, excursions equestrian, pedestrian, VTT, tourist rallys, theatre, archaeological inheritance.
This way of the Sculpture leaves with each one a free approach to discover each work in its characteristics, the plastic languages artists of generations and different nationalities.

Accommodation nearby

hostellerie-du-maine-brun asnieres-sur-nouere

Hostellerie du Maine Brun

  • Asnieres-sur-nouere
  • 05 45 90 83 00
hotel-restaurant-la-vieille-auberge barbezieux-saint-hilaire

Hôtel Restaurant la Vieille Auberge

  • Barbezieux-saint-hilaire
  • 05 45 78 02 61
hotel-terminus angouleme

Hôtel Terminus

  • Angouleme
  • 05 45 92 39 00

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