- > Museums France
- > Bretagne
- > Morbihan
- > Sarzeau
- > Musée du château de suscinio
Musée du Château de Suscinio
The Château de Suscinio was built in the middle ages as a favouite residence of the Duke of Brittany and his court. Château was sold and it fell into disrepair and was eventually abandonded. It was finally bought by the department of Morbihan in 1965, and restoration work began which is still continuing. The château holds summer exhibitions and events which attract many visitors.
Accommodation nearby
Latest news onMusée du Château de Suscinio
Opening hours
From June to September : everyday from 10 am to 6 pm.
From October to June : everyday from 1.30 pm to 6 pm.
From 2,60 to 6 euros.
Tourism near

- 4 Museum
- 6 Monuments
Musée du Château de Suscinio
Musée d'histoire et d'archéologie du Château Gaillard
Musée des Beaux-Arts de la Cohue
Musée de la préhistoire Miln-Le Rouzic
Site des mégalithes de Locmariaquer
Alignements de Carnac
Église Saint-Cornély
Village de Saint-Colomban
Chapelle la Madeleine
Chapelle Saint-Michel

Sciences and discovery

Sciences and discovery

Information within a radius of 30 km