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- > Carnac
- > Alignements de carnac
Alignements de Carnac
The three alignments of Carnac comprenent 2934 menhirs and last for about 4 km, they are world famous.
The reason for this alignment still seems obscure and many theories have been suggested by experts : site for religious cults of the Neolithic, celestial observatory or fertilizing power.
In the late of 1980s, the site was closed for ten years to protect it, thereby prohibiting visits. Vegetation needed to stabilize the stones has since regained the aisles once stripped and the site was reopened to the public.
October 1 to March 31, it is now possible to move freely between the free and menhirs. Guided tours are offered in particular season.
Accommodation nearby
Latest news onAlignements de Carnac
Opening hours
Guided tours
For individuals:
Full price: 4,50 €
Reduced price: 4 €
Free for children under 18 years
On reservation 02 97 52 77 95 or carnac@monuments-nationaux.fr
1 to 15 persons: 55 €
16 to 30 persons: 100 €
Up to 45 people: 155 €
School: 68 € (up to 35 people outside chaperones)
Specific: 35 € up to 20 people outside escorts
Workshop in prehistory
For students:
Half day: 110 €
Day: 220 €
For adults:
Half day: 137 €
Pass the megaliths
4 large megalithic sites and a museum come together to offer you a discount on the second visited monument.
Partner sites: Cairn Gavrinis, the site of the megaliths Locmariaquer, Cairn du Petit-Mont Arzon, the alignments of Carnac and the Museum of Prehistory in Carnac.
Schedules subject
Opening of the House of Megaliths
May, June, 9h to 19h
July, August, 9h to 20h
September to April, 10h to 17h
1 January, 1 May, 25 December
Tourism near

- 5 Museum
- 6 Monuments