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- > Moulins
- > Centre national du costume de scène et de la scenographie
Centre National du Costume de scène et de la Scenographie
The CNCS is a museum whose mission is to preserve the material heritage of theaters. This is the first structure of this kind in France or in Europe. The CNCS needs to conserve, restore and enhance the theatrical heritage, formed in part by over 9000 theatrical costumes. His collections from three founding institutions based in the Centre: the National Library of France, the French Comedy, but also the National Opera of Paris.
The museum is located at the opposite of the town of Moulins, in the former military quarters in a building classified as a historical monument since 1984. It houses a large area of 1500m ² dedicated to temporary exhibitions. They change regularly so this costumes are not damaged. It is possible to admire the costumes in they theatrical context, with stagings of special mini-scenes.
The CNCS also houses paintings painted and decorated a documentation center on the performing arts, the performing arts and costumes. An auditorium is also available and can accommodate hundreds of visitors, as well as learning spaces.
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Latest news onCentre National du Costume de scène et de la Scenographie
Opening hours
From 29/01/2011 to 15/05/2011 :
Saturday and sunday at 14h30 and 16h, closed on May 1
Guided tours every day during school holidays
From 11/06/2011 to 30/06/2011 :
Saturdays and sundays at 14h30 and 16h
From 01/07/2011 to 31/08/2011 :
Guided tours every day during school holidays to 14h30 and 16h
From 01/09/2011 to 31/12/2011 :
Saturday and sunday at 14h30 and 16h, closed on December 25
Guided tours every day during school holidays
Child price : free
12-25 years price : 2,50 €
Adult price : 5 €
Adult tour fare : 10 €
Tourism near

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- 2 Monuments