- > Monuments France
- > Lorraine
- > Meurthe-et-Moselle
- > Rosieres-aux-salines
- > Haras national de rosières-aux-salines
Haras national de Rosières-aux-Salines
In 1767, Colbert and the Marquis of Galaizière created on land that used to be royal salt, the former stables of the king and guards of standards.
Haras National Rosieres-aux-Salines belongs to the General Council of Meurthe and Moselle. It covers 12 hectares and offers mainly equestrian events, in addition to their missions in training and information on equine reproduction techniques.
This structure is managed by two agencies: the division of Loraine horse, but also by the French Institute of horses and riding.
Accommodation nearby
Latest news onHaras national de Rosières-aux-Salines
Opening hours
Weekdays from 9 hours to 17 hours.
Wednesday, guided tours are offered at 14.15.
5 euros for adults
3 euros for children
Tourism near

- 5 Museum
- 6 Monuments
Musée français de la brasserie
Musée du Cinéma et de la Photographie
Le musée de l'histoire du fer
Le musée des Beaux-Arts
Musée du Sel
Haras national de Rosières-aux-Salines
Chartreuse de Bosserville
Château de Montaigu
La Place Stanislas
Mine Musée du Val de Fer
Cité médiévale fortifiée de Liverdun

Sciences and discovery

Sciences and discovery

Sciences and discovery
Information within a radius of 30 km