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- > Saint-martin-en-haut
Tourism Saint-Martin-en-Haut
Saint-Martin-en-Haut is situated in the department of the Rhône and the region Rhône-Alpes. Saint-Martin-en-Haut is situated in the heart of the Mounts of the Lyonnais, to an average altitude of 750 meters. The dynamism and town friendliness reflect themselves equally in the small commerce, the restoration and strongly established craft industries as well as in the very rich associative fabric. Green tourism holds a special place to Saint-Martin-en-Haut of by its town vacation the only one of the department - its municipal camping and its camping to the farm.
Museums and monuments to visit
Musée Théâtre GuignolGuignol Theatre Museum located 15 km west of Lyon is both a museum and a theater, which intersect the public and companies around the collection by Jean-Guy Mourguet, Laurent Mourguet down the creator ...
Musée Antoine BrunAntoine Brun museum opened its doors in July 2010 and has all wooden models made by Antoine Brun.Born in 1882 in St. Consorce, Antoine Brun son of wealthy farmers had a passion for woodworking. He ...

Tour to explore Lyon
- Thème : Sciences and discovery
- Départ : Lyon
- Durée : 2 jours
During a weekend, discover the city of Lyon. Former capital of the Gauls in the Roman Empire, the city occupies a strategic position.

- Thème : Sciences and discovery
- Départ : Saint-martin-en-haut
- Durée : 4 jours
Saint-Martin-en-Haut is the second largest commune of the department of the Rhone after Lyon, with an total surface area of 3.864 hectares. Its altitude varies from 450 meters in Martinière with 911 meters in Crêt Pelossier. The inhabitants are called Saint-Martinois and called the " ...

Welcome to the Mornantais Country
- Thème : Sciences and discovery
- Départ : Mornant
- Durée : 5 jours
The Mornantais Country, this is the opportunity of going up in time and to impregnate the ingeniousness of the most daring builders. The worsen Roman with the Romanesque art, the moyenâgeuses gravers to the farms of the fields, let you allure by the multiplicity of these jewels of the structure.

- Thème : Sciences and discovery
- Départ : Brussieu
- Durée : 4 jours
Brussieu is located in the department of the Rhone (69), in the West of Lyon and in the North of St Etienne. Brussieu makes party of the canton of Saint Laurent de Chamousset.