
TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureBRUSSIEU (69)

Brussieu is located in the department of the Rhone (69), in the West of Lyon and in the North of St Etienne. Brussieu makes party of the canton of Saint Laurent de Chamousset.

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The church Saint Denis of Brussieu


As its name indicates it, the church is dedicated to Saint Denis.

The nave of the church was increased in width in 1825.

The northern vault, on the right while returning in the church " Deleuillon" vault; was rebuilt in 1836. The current chorus and the two vaults which are next to it, were built in 1899, date of the inversion of the church. The porch of the church was then in the place of the chorus, the current entry did not exist and there was a sacristy on part of the current road.

In 1899, the bell-tower which was square, was raised by a pointed roof. The cemetery of the village remained located around the church until 1875, it was then transferred to the exit from the village " with the site of the écoles" , then was again distant in 1884 " site actuel".

The southern vault, on the left while entering the church, vault of the family “Brother of Charfetain” is certainly the oldest part. It contains the tomb of the lords of Charfetain, who buried their deaths until 1768 there.

The descendants of the lords of Charfetain brought a lawsuit with the parish of Brussieu in 1773, to assert the property of this vault, but their request was not retained. The oldest date is engraved on the wall external of the vault of the lords of Charfetain. One can see it while going in the garden located in lower part of the church.
You can see in the church the following objects:

  • The confessional: gone back to 1751, it was offered by Mr. Benoît CHENEVIERE, middle-class man of Lyon, was been born in Brussieu.
  • The pulpit: gone back to 1751, it was also offered by Mr. Benoît CHENEVIERE.
  • The table of “the assumption of the Virgin”, it is an anonymous painting of the XVII° century. This table was restored at the beginning of 1996.

Accommodation nearby

ethic-etapes-dijon dijon


  • Dijon
  • 03 80 72 95 20
le-chateau-de-la-charmeraie saint-laurent-de-chamousset

Le Château de la Charmeraie

  • Saint-laurent-de-chamousset
  • 04 74 70 50 70
hotel-restaurant-l-adresse l-arbresle

Hôtel restaurant l'Adresse

  • L'arbresle
  • 04 74 01 23 86
hotel-le-saint-clement saint-clement-sur-valsonne

Hôtel le Saint Clement

  • Saint-clement-sur-valsonne
  • 04 74 05 17 80

The hiking circuits


There exist 3 circuits of hiking on the commune, the departures are done since the center of the village " starting panel towards the bibliothèque" :

  • Circuit of Fontalin, 4Km approximately 50 minutes.
  • Circuit at Nicolas, 6Km approximately 1:30.
  • the turn of the village, 18Km approximately 4:30

Accommodation nearby

ethic-etapes-dijon dijon


  • Dijon
  • 03 80 72 95 20
le-chateau-de-la-charmeraie saint-laurent-de-chamousset

Le Château de la Charmeraie

  • Saint-laurent-de-chamousset
  • 04 74 70 50 70
hotel-restaurant-l-adresse l-arbresle

Hôtel restaurant l'Adresse

  • L'arbresle
  • 04 74 01 23 86
hotel-le-saint-clement saint-clement-sur-valsonne

Hôtel le Saint Clement

  • Saint-clement-sur-valsonne
  • 04 74 05 17 80

The Mule track ?Between Mounts?


 For a discovery in family of the landscapes of the Mounts of the Lyonese. Leave to the venture accompanied, if you wish it, by an ass or a mule. On the 17 km long course of between Montrottier and Montromant, of many panels on the history and geography of the Mounts of the Lyonese and the tables of the orientation will mark out your strolls and will help you with better include this area.

Accommodation nearby

ethic-etapes-dijon dijon


  • Dijon
  • 03 80 72 95 20
le-chateau-de-la-charmeraie saint-laurent-de-chamousset

Le Château de la Charmeraie

  • Saint-laurent-de-chamousset
  • 04 74 70 50 70
hotel-restaurant-l-adresse l-arbresle

Hôtel restaurant l'Adresse

  • L'arbresle
  • 04 74 01 23 86
hotel-le-saint-clement saint-clement-sur-valsonne

Hôtel le Saint Clement

  • Saint-clement-sur-valsonne
  • 04 74 05 17 80

Museum: House of the Mine


Located at the ground fllor of the Residence of the Rocker, road of the mill, the museum opened its doors on June 6, 2004.

The interior installation was carried out by Paul Benoît, but was financed by the Town hall. Of course this realization profited from various subsidies.

This museum recalls the history of the mines of Jacques Heart located on the commune of Brussieu. Panels, windows, vidéos, CD-ROMs will enable you to better include/understand the life of the minors at that time.

It addresses especially to the young people and to the adults.

Accommodation nearby

ethic-etapes-dijon dijon


  • Dijon
  • 03 80 72 95 20
le-chateau-de-la-charmeraie saint-laurent-de-chamousset

Le Château de la Charmeraie

  • Saint-laurent-de-chamousset
  • 04 74 70 50 70
hotel-restaurant-l-adresse l-arbresle

Hôtel restaurant l'Adresse

  • L'arbresle
  • 04 74 01 23 86
hotel-le-saint-clement saint-clement-sur-valsonne

Hôtel le Saint Clement

  • Saint-clement-sur-valsonne
  • 04 74 05 17 80

Latest news on : Brussieu
