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Tours - Pas-de-Calais
Our last Tours
Côte d'Opale visit
Do you need to take a breath of fresh air, far from the grayness and pollution of big cities? Do you know Pas-de-Calais and its Opal Coast in Hauts-de-France? Between the Platier d'Oye National Nature Reserve, near Gravelines in the North, and the town of Berck-sur-Mer, via Calais, ...

Pathways Community of Communes Mer et Terres d'Opale
Explore the trails on the territory of the Community of Communes Land and Sea Opal through: Bréxent-Enocq, Camiers, Cormont, Cucq, Etaples sur Mer, Frencq, Lefaux, Le Touquet, Longvilliers, Maresville, Merlimont, Saint Aubin, Saint Josse, Tubersent, Widehem.

Discover Fruges
The commune of Fruges is located in the middle of the haut Pays d'Artois, stormy plate, birthplace of some paramount rivers in the area: the Aa, the Lily, Ternoise, Créquoise.

Visit Frévent city
Frévent is a french town, located in the department of the Pas-de-Calais and the Nord-Pas-de-Calais area. Its inhabitants are called the fréventins

Fressin, flowery village in the middle of the Seven Valleys
Fressin is a charming small village of 600 inhabitants situé in the hollow of a valley, with the sources of Planquette, in full heart of the Haut-Pays d'Artois. It is located at 1:15 from Lille, 1:40 from Paris by A16 and 1:15 from London by the Channel tunnel. In a bosky bower, it owes its ...

Discover Étaples
Étaples (or Étaples-sur-Mer) is a chief town of canton of the north of France, in the department of the Pas-de-Calais (62), district of Montreuil-sur-Mer. This is a fishing port and leisures located in Bolted on Canche.

Welcome to Équihen-Plage
Équihen-Plage is a town of 2943 inhabitants. On a surface of 381 hectares it offers a pleasant framework in edge of the English Channel. Declared common on April 4, 1939, Équihen-Plage has today the equipment of quality for the service of the population. Here all is made for the safeguarding of ...

Welcome to Hesdin
Door of the Country of the 7 Valleys, Hesdin, crossed agreeably by Canche, animated each week by a very attended market, welcomes many French tourists throughout the year and abroad attracted by his inheritance and its gastronomy like by its vast forest and the green surrounding valleys.

In the discovery of Le Portel-Plage
Situé in the middle of the coast of Opal, sheltered by the roads of the wearing of Boulogne and the Cape of Alprech, the seaside resort of Portel contemplates the English Channel, chalky cliffs of the Gray Nose and the coasts of England. The green hills of Bolted, of the Mounts of Flandres and of ...