Topic | Sciences and discovery |
Departure | TOUCY (89) |
Details | Toucy is located in the Yonne department in the Burgundy region. |
Visit the city
Things to see in Toucy:
- The fortified church
- The half-timbered houses
- The Pierre Larousse's house
- The old post office
- The Castle of Miton
- The Town Hall
Accommodation nearby
Tourist train
The Tourist Train of the 'Pays de Puisaye-Forterre'.
A trip from Toucy to Villiers and return to Toucy, 18 km at 20km/hour.
Accommodation nearby
Famous celebrations in Toucy
Events taking place in Toucy are :
- The First monthly Saturdays fair
- The 'Apéro-concerts' in July-August
- The Potatoe fair
- The fire works
- The exhibition-fair
- The wine fair
Accommodation nearby
Latest news on : Toucy
Tourism near
Visit the city of Toucy
- 3 Museum
- 2 Monuments
Tour to explore Bourgogne
Sciences and discovery
Discovery Aillant-sur-Tholon
Sites and museums
Information within a radius of 30 km