
TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureMONTHERME (08)

Pearl of the Ardennes, paradise for fishermen and nature lovers, Monthermé was built on the most beautiful meander of the river Meuse. The different panoramas allows the discovery of those magnificent landscapes.

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Natural sites

The 4 Aymon Sons: four rock peaks where a feudal castle was built by four knights in rebellion against Charlemagne. Every year, the Aymon Folk festival takes place. From now on arranged, this site offers to the visitors a panorama and a path to discover the legend of those marvellous places; a small theatre shows animated tales. The Rock of the Hermitage and the Split Rock: on the another bank of the Meuse, an overhang rock was used as a refuge for MAUGIS the wizard, who supported the 4 Aymon Sons in their fights. The sight extends until Monthermé downstream and the district of Levrézy upstream.

Accommodation nearby

auberge-des-chenets tournavaux

Auberge des Chenets

  • Tournavaux
  • 06 26 36 06 44
homair-vacances-lac-des-vieilles-forges les-mazures

Homair Vacances Lac des Vieilles Forges

  • Les mazures
  • 08 20 20 12 07

In Deville

Deville is separated from Laifour by the brook of Mairupt "Bad Ru". Regarded as a rough place in the past, it offers in all seasons its singing cascades. The Farm of the Bouzin Cross: always inhabited, the farm is located on the tops, on the way to Sécheval. It is an exceptional witness of the rural activity and a breeding land in last century.

Accommodation nearby

homair-vacances-lac-des-vieilles-forges les-mazures

Homair Vacances Lac des Vieilles Forges

  • Les mazures
  • 08 20 20 12 07
auberge-des-chenets tournavaux

Auberge des Chenets

  • Tournavaux
  • 06 26 36 06 44
hotel-les-reflets-jaunes givet

Hotel les Reflets Jaunes

  • Givet
  • 03 24 42 85 85
hotel-restaurant-le-lion-d-or signy-le-petit

Hotel Restaurant le Lion d'Or

  • Signy-le-petit
  • 03 24 53 51 76

In Haulmé

Haulmé: classified village. Ruha fountain: this old wash house in a schist cave is nested under the trees, typical of the Ardennes architecture. Liry: pretty panorama on the Valley of Semoy and the typical village d' Haulmé.

Accommodation nearby

auberge-des-chenets tournavaux

Auberge des Chenets

  • Tournavaux
  • 06 26 36 06 44
homair-vacances-lac-des-vieilles-forges les-mazures

Homair Vacances Lac des Vieilles Forges

  • Les mazures
  • 08 20 20 12 07

In Hautes-Rivières

The Hollow Rock: the Bear brook flows and dig a shelter among the rocks. Saut-Thibault: rock edge which bars the Valley. Coming from Linchamps, it looks like a giant head. The legend tells that a rider jumped on the top of this rock to escape to its prosecutors. Neuville-aux-Haies: charming hamlet nested on the shelf. The low houses with framed doors and windows, are typical of the Ardennes traditional habitat. Linchamps: at the end of 16th century an iron foundry functioned in Linchamps. The pipes for the water machinery in Versailles was cast here.

Accommodation nearby

auberge-des-chenets tournavaux

Auberge des Chenets

  • Tournavaux
  • 06 26 36 06 44
homair-vacances-lac-des-vieilles-forges les-mazures

Homair Vacances Lac des Vieilles Forges

  • Les mazures
  • 08 20 20 12 07
hotel-les-reflets-jaunes givet

Hotel les Reflets Jaunes

  • Givet
  • 03 24 42 85 85

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