- > Museums France
- > Champagne-Ardenne
- > Ardennes
- > Bogny-sur-meuse
- > Musée de la métallurgie ardennaise
Musée de la Métallurgie Ardennaise
Located in Bogny-sur-Meuse, in the heart of the iron and forest land, this unique museum is a must where you can experience the long and amazing history of iron working, since the last centuries of the Middle Ages, in the Ardennes department.
Located in a symbolic industrial building, in front of the famous Four Sons of Aymon, the Metalworking Museum of the Ardennes presents in a lively and original way (movies, visual animations, extensive commented iconography, interactive models, audio guide, sensory path) the various activities which made the strength and the fame of this metal industry of transformation.
Machinery, tools and products made it possible to enter fully into the shops, factories and workshops, and to imagine men, women and children at work.
The life of the workers is also restored with heat, and are evoked the bosses from a modest background who were successful , the paternalism, the trade unionism, social struggles, and the establishment of socialism thanks to the Communard Jean-Baptiste Clément.
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Opening hours
From May 1st to Septembre 30th : evreyday, from 10am to 12 am and from 2 pm to 6pm
From October 1st to April 30th : from tuesday to saturday, 10 am to 12 am and 2 pm to 6 pm. Sunday and monday, for group only
Adult : 6€
Teens (-16 years old) : 3€
Groups : 4.50€
School : 1.50€
Children : free
Tourism near

- 4 Museum
- 3 Monuments
Musée de la Métallurgie Ardennaise
Musée Rimbaud
Musée de l'Ardenne
Musée de la maison de la dernière cartouche

Sciences and discovery

Sciences and discovery


Sciences and discovery
Information within a radius of 30 km