Hotel Restaurant le Lion d'Or - Hotel ***

Blandine Bertrand and his team welcome you in the Ardennes.

Away from it all, almost nothing in the middle of nowhere .... and yet so close to you.

Experience the pleasure of a charming stay. Our knowledge for your manners. Gourmet cuisine and original of Mother Nature.

Hotel Restaurant le Lion d'Or : Rooms


Double room

Double room for two people, fully equipped.
73 € à partir de
zoom chambre 8 10 19

Chambre 8 10 19 (flat)

appartement for 2 or 4 person
120 € à partir de

Hotel Restaurant le Lion d'Or : Further information


Tourist tax (N.C)


Handicap Accessible, No Smoking Room, Garden, Car park (gratuit), Auditorium (N.C)

Spoken language


Regarding the restaurant

Bar (N.C), Buffet (10€), Continental (10€), Restaurant (menus de 20 à 40€)

Hotel services

Internet access (gratuit), Pets allowed, Fax (N.C)
  • Hotel restaurant le lion d'or
  • Double room
  • Chambre 8 10 19
miniature miniature miniature miniature miniature miniature miniature miniature miniature miniature miniature miniature miniature miniature miniature miniature miniature
hotel-restaurant-le-lion-d-or signy-le-petit
miniature miniature miniature
miniature miniature miniature
chambre 8 10 19




Visit Signy-le-petit


Signy le Petit is situated in the department of the Ardennes and the region Champagne Ardenne. Signy le Petit, that knew to preserve the charm of a small rural town, equally did the audacious wager of a tourist ...
