The Serre-Ponçon lake spans over 19 km in th Durance Valley ans over 9 km in the Ubaye valley. The dam built out of alluvial material extracted from the Durance river bed is unique in it's kind.
In order to control the flow of the wild river "La Durance",the decision was taken in 1955 to build a dam which would both produce electricity and irrigate the lands of provence. The task was finished in 1961. Two villages were destroyed in the process: Savines and Ubaye. Savines has been rebuilt and is now named "Savines le lac".
Today the Serre-Ponçon lake is a 3000 hectares paradise competing with the most fashion seaside resorts. You can practice sailing on optimists, catamarans, windsurfs and even fun board.
Don't hesitate to try water-skiing, kite surfing, pulled buoys, jet ski or the canoë-Kayak, without forgetting fishing or simply swimming. If you don't want to miss a single piece of the landscape a sightseeing boat tour will give you a breath taking experience.
In this natural preserved space, while the dark blue of the sky competes with the crystal waters of the lake, fully equipped animated beaches alternate with wild untampered bays for everyone's pleasure, while the surrounding mountain tops culminate at 3000m.