- > Tours
- > Nord-Pas-de-Calais
- > Nord
- > Armentieres
- > Armentières
Topic | Sciences and discovery |
Departure | ARMENTIERES (59) |
Details | Armentières is located in the department of North and the Nord-Pas-de-Calais area. The cultural and natural inheritances are two irreplaceable sources of life and inspiration. As extraordinary and various places as the wild extents of the national park of Serengeti in Eastern Africa, the Pyramids of Egypt, the Large Barrier of Australia and the cathedrals baroques of Latin America constitute the inheritance of our world. |
Armentières, the mysterious city ?

After the visit of an unexpected site, let us tell you the strange stories and the various facts completion surprising that they marked the history of Armentières.
- 4 €
- Obligatory inscription
Place of appointment: in the Tourist office
Accommodation nearby
B as Beffroi and Bière*

2 emblems of North and Armentières within reach! After climbing the steps of the Belfry and having admired the landscape, nothing is worth a mouthful of bière* to be refreshed!
- 5 €
- Inaccessible to the children of less than 6 years
- Obligatory inscription
Place of appointment: in front of the perron of the town hall (10 min before)
Accommodation nearby
Belfry and Town hall

Classified as the world heritage of UNESCO, the Belfry of Armentières cut a fine figure. Count approximately 200 steps and you will be able to listen to the bells to play Madelon and to contemplate the City of the Fabric.
- 2,50 €/adult - 1 €/child from 6 to 12 years
- Inaccessible to the children of less than 6 years
- Obligatory inscription
Place of appointment: in the Tourist office (10 min before)
Accommodation nearby
Stroll in segway with Urban legend!

Come to stroll 1:30 and discover the history, fauna and the flora armentiéroises, an original and sporting manner: in segway!
- 20 €/per - 35 €/couple
- Obligatory inscription limited places
Place of appointment: in front of the square of Saint-Vaast church
Accommodation nearby
Discover the funerary art

Cemetery, where rest since the middle of the XIX century, all those and those made the history of the city, extends on more than 9 ha. You will discover there not only these personalities but also art and the funerary symbolic system forgotten nowadays.
Price :
- 2,50 €/adult - 1 €/child (until 12 years)
- Obligatory inscription
Place of appointment: at the main entrance of the cemetery, avenue Léo Lagrange
Accommodation nearby
And edges of Lily

We invite you to discover the charms of the town of Armentières, the Lily worked it and influenced its residents. In the course of the seasons, nature changes and we hope that you will discover all.
The Lily, its history and its natural history, will be the discussion thread of this strolls family.
Price :
- Free
- Inscription necessary
P lace of appointment: at the entry of the Sports complex Léo Lagrange, quay of Derivation
Accommodation nearby
Latest news on : Armentières
Tourism near

- 8 Museum
- 2 Monuments