- > Parks France
- > Rhône-Alpes
- > Isère
- > Chatte
- > Le jardin ferroviaire
Le Jardin Ferroviaire
In the region Rhône-Alps, in the Isère discover during your outings
tourist park attraction at The Garden Railway Cat.
A fun family visit.
Accommodation nearby
Latest news onLe Jardin Ferroviaire
Opening hours
March: every weekend from 10h to 19h
April-August: every day from 10h to 19h
September: Monday to Friday from 14h to 18h
Weekend from 10h to 19h
October and November: from 14h to 18h on weekends, public holidays and holidays of All Saints
garden Railway
Adult € 11.50
Ado.Etud.65ans and + 10.50 €
Children (3à12ans) 8.00 €
Family Package (2 adults 2 children) 35 €
(2 adults 3 children) 42 €
Tourism near

- 3 Museum
- 3 Monuments


Sciences and discovery

Information within a radius of 30 km