- > Museums France
- > Franche-Comté
- > Haute-Saône
- > Vesoul
- > Musée georges garret à vesoul
Musée Georges Garret à Vesoul
Located in the Ursuline convent dating from 1680, the museum displays collections of Vesoul of art and archeology. You can explore the archaeological remains discovered in the area such as flint tools, the Gallo-Roman funerary stelae, as well as objects found in the Merovingian cemeteries (weapons, jewelry, pottery, objects of daily life).
Collections of paintings, sculptures, drawings and objects dating mainly from the nineteenth century. The museum including works of Orientalist painter and sculptor JL Gérôme who was born in Vesoul. The museum also has collections of his students and many local artists.
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Opening hours
Open daily 2pm till 6pm,
except Tuesdays and holidays
free entrance
Tourism near

- 2 Museum
- 2 Monuments



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