
DepartureVESOUL (70)

Vaivre-et-Montoille is located in the Haute-Saône department in the Franche-Comté region.

Visit Vaivre-et-Montoille


Things to see in Vaivre-et-Montoille:

  • Lac de Vaivre
  • Vélo-rail
  • Ludolac, a water leisure park

Accommodation nearby

chateau-d-epenoux pusy-et-epenoux

Château d'Epenoux

  • Pusy-et-epenoux
  • 03 84 75 19 60

Lake of vaivre


This artificial lake, created in 1973, covers 93 hectares, in the west of Vesoul, on the town of Vaivre. This is a reserve ornithologique where stop numerous migrant birds: one there finds herons, sometimes storks, mouettes, seagulls, terns, foulques and sometimes milans... Moans it of the genêts and the ash-blonde courlis there nichent. An observatory was constructed in the framework of a work-site of young ones. You can find equally fish: carp, eels, pikes, sandre, poissons-chats.. The wild thimble and the butome in parasol itself there develop. A water park of full air, for the families, of 3 hectares, was laid out by the lake. A camping and a sail basis equally saw the light of day.

Accommodation nearby

chateau-d-epenoux pusy-et-epenoux

Château d'Epenoux

  • Pusy-et-epenoux
  • 03 84 75 19 60

The bicycle rail of vaivre


The bicycle rail of Vaivre is situated nearby Vesoul and lake. It passes nearby of the "Camp of Caesar" that overhangs it and crosses three bridges of 4 meters each. The journey measures 4.5 kilometers. It is necessary more to consider this vélorail as a relaxation moment than a recreation for several reasons: The vélorails have a maximum speed. The circuit does not do a buckle, which induces the impossibility to double or to stop itself without changing his vehicle with the one front or of behind using a pivot in metal.

Accommodation nearby

chateau-d-epenoux pusy-et-epenoux

Château d'Epenoux

  • Pusy-et-epenoux
  • 03 84 75 19 60

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