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Muséum d'histoire naturelle Henri Lecoq
The museum Lecoq in Clermont-Ferrand is the only natural historical museum in the Massif Central. It enjoys the label « Musée de France » and has numerous collections rich and varied. The museum was officially inaugurated in 1873. Henri Lecoq left his collection to the city of Clermont-Ferrand, which bought a town house to turn it into a museum. The museum specialises in different fields.
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Opening hours
Open every day from 10 am to noon and from 2 pm to 7 pm. Closed on Monday, Sunday morning and bank holidays.
Price 4,20 euros
Concessions 2,70 euros
Free for children less than 18 y /o and on the 1st Sunday of each month.
Tourism near
Visit the city of Clermont-ferrand
- 6 Museum
- 5 Monuments
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Musée Bargoin
Muséum d'histoire naturelle Henri Lecoq
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Musée Mandet
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Cathédrale Notre-Dame de l'Assomption
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Le Château de Murol
Église Saint-Austremoine
A weekend in the discovery Auvergne
Sciences and discovery
Tour to explore Puy-de-Dôme
Sites and museums
Physical activity in the Massif des Monts Dore
Discover Clermont-Ferrand
Sciences and discovery
Discover Puy-de-Dôme
Sciences and discovery
Discovering Puy-de-Dôme
Sciences and discovery
Information within a radius of 30 km