- > Museums France
- > Bretagne
- > Finistère
- > Brest
- > Musée des beaux-arts, brest
Musée des beaux-arts, Brest
The museum of Brest was created in 1875. The collection includes paintings, drawings, gravures but also medals. En 1941, the majority of the works disappeared under the bombing. Only few paintings were saved.
After the war, the museum was rebuilt not before 1964 and opened its doors in 1968. As the city lost its héritage the collection of the museum is dedicated to European past from the 17th century until our days. Today, the museum exhibits more than 250 items and hosts three temporary exhibitions each year.
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Opening hours
Open every day except on Monday, Sunday morning and bank holidays from 10 am to noon and from 2 pm to 6 pm
Open on the 14th of July and the 15th of August
Price : 4 euros
Concessions : 2.50 euros
Free for children under 18 y/o and the jobless.
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- 3 Museum
- 1 Monuments